Mulan Green Skill Bug Yet Again

@Polaris Mulan’s green skill bug is back, but this time it appears to apply only to coliseum and arena. Her cannon attack fires too soon and the projectile goes out the screen.

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It is only a display issue. The damage and stun is still inflicted


Thanks for the reply Filadae!

No it legit does nothing


That is because it barely started. The damage and stun will return after a second.

No it doesn’t , the recent update at weekend rolled back the arena fix of mulan , she now doesn’t hit anything. War and coliseum are unaffected it just affects arena

Just tried to use her in an arena battle, and her green worked correctly.

It most likely was Donald in that case


Video shows her doing no damage and no stun, there are no characters that can stop it

It hit Animal.
You can clearly see him dying at the start.
It was Mulan’s green

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Yes forgot that perblue definition of farthest doesn’t actually mean that, but can be someone in back. Was looking at Yzma

Yeah that’s right.
Sometimes the choice of backmost enemy is pretty random.

I’m a Peter Pan user myself and I’ve had him targeting not exactly backmost enemies sometimes.

Mine hit Jafar

Still, PB has to fix the animation. It’s quite remarkable that we are still seeing these kind of bugs after two updates that specifically dealt with this.

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Apparently, it’s not just the animation issue. Mulan’s buggy green skill is affecting other entry skills. Baymax won’t freeze when mulan is in enemy team, and elsa’s red skill might sometimes not trigger.

On the same note though, I’m finding that if Mulan is in team, Aladdin’s damage from carpet ride doesnt connect

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I submitted a help ticket through Support about Mulan’s green skill. They requested a video and said it would be forwarded to the developers, so hopefully it will be fixed soon.

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