Murdoch Unlikely Hero Concept


Description: This Powerful and Giant engine have decided to exit his shed and join the battlefield, to deal with the enemy noisy annoyance. Murdoch will use his strength and capability to shut the enemies down with everything he has.

Quote: ‘‘Please, I want some peace and quiet, and I don’t want to share a shed with chatterboxes!’’
Star: :star: :star:
Role: Damage
Position: Frontline
Trial Team: Yellow


Pantone Livery Murdoch:

Decorated Festival Murdoch:


Entrance: Murdoch slowly moves towards to his position, while he look around with a annoyed expression.

Victory: Murdoch smile happily, as he close his eyes and rest.

Defeat: Murdoch looks at the enemy with an angry expression.


Basic Attack: Murdoch look at the front most enemy with an angry glare, dealing X Fantastic Damage.

White Skill: Be Quiet!:
Murdoch looks at the enemies with a glare, and processes to shout at them. Dealing X Fantastic Damage and Silencing them for 6 seconds.

The Silence has a chance to fail against enemies above level Y.

Green Skill: Flying Carpet:
Every 15 seconds, the Magic Carpet zooms across the field. Dealing X Fantastic Damage and applying a random disabled to them that would last 5 seconds.

Disabled included: Stun, Silence, Blind, Curse, Confusions and Drain.

Blue Skill: Low Commentary:
Murdoch quietly commented about the two back most enemy. Applying a Reality Decrease by 30% and Curse for 9 seconds.

The Curse has a chance to fail against enemy above level Y.

Purple Skill: The Biggest Engine:
Murdoch gains an extra Z Max HP.

When Murdoch activates “Low Commentary”, his Armor is increased by 50% for 6 seconds.

Red Skill: Peaceful Giant:
If Murdoch or any of his allies Silence an enemy who is already Silence, the enemy takes X Fantastic Damage.

When Murdoch reaches 50% of his max HP, he immediately activates “Be Quiet!” and his Skill Power is increased by Z for the rest of the wave.

• + Z Max HP
• + Z Armor
• + Z Tenacity


[Murdoch and Henry]
Description: Murdoch arrive at Knapford Station to drop out some goods that he was delivering, he decided to complain to Henry who was waiting at the station about of how noisy off a day it became especially in the city. Henry soon got an idea, an explain to Murdoch to switch job with him, as he was going to deliver some trees for the forest and thought the Forest could ease Murdoch problems.

Disk Name: Soothing Forest
Disk Power:
• + X Max HP
• + X Reality
• + After Using “Be Quiet!”, now grant Murdoch and his allies 2 stacks of Hardy for 8 seconds.

• Enemies gain 10%/20%/30%/40%/50% less energy when they basic attack.

Allies: Sheriff Of Nottingham, Joy, Belle

Shere_Khan (1)

[Murdoch and Shere Khan]
Description: As Shere Khan was roaming around the forest, he soon heard some people talking and strange metal noise from a distance. This cause the tiger to be annoying as he dislikes human entering his territory and ruining his day, so he went to solve the problem. As he was about to reveal himself and pounce on the worker, he soon noticed a big machine. This was Murdoch who was sent to deliver some goods for the lumber yard that was built recently, Shere Khan was eyeing the engine as it was one of the biggest and longest machines he have ever seen. Thought this gave the villainous tiger an idea, and planned to use the machine against the human.

Disk Name: Intimidating Machine
Disk Power:
• + X Skill Power to Murdoch and his Allies
• + X Reality to Murdoch and his Allies
• + Control role enemies lose X Tenacity

• At the start of each wave, all enemies are Scared for 5/6/7/8/9 seconds.

Allies: Fear, Sulley & Boo and Angel

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