My DHBM Wishlist Part 1

I will do a series on heroes I would love to see in the game! This is the first character I’d love to see!

Tinkerbell from Disney’s Peter Pan!

Tinkerbell is my first on my top heroes for DHBM, she is a perfect fairy who would most likely be a support hero, she is very smart and very modish, in her films, she shows true bravery, which I think, she would show on the battlefield! Here’s a preview:

2 Stars, Support, Red Team, Back-line

Entrance: Tinkerbell flies in with her wand.
Basic Attack: Tinkerbell pulls the closest enemies hair.
Victory: Tinkerbell flies around the battlefield gracefully.
Defeat: Tinkerbell loses her sparkly magic and falls.


A Glowing Fairy
A Magic Wand
A Twinkle of Twilight
Magic is in the Air
Glows in the dark

Friends: Peter Pan and Fairy Godmother!

This isn’t supposed to be a concept, it is a preview!

That still doesnt mean she can’t come….

But I understand

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She physically appears in his skill, even if she’s just a small yellow light.

The only time this has worked out for a hero is Zeus. We don’t physically see him in Hercules’ White Skill Animation, so we could just assume he’s granting to the powers to Hercules while Zeus is on the battlefield too. Most of the other characters that are apart of skills are physically seen, so they can’t come to the game. Tinkerbell included.

Also, I saw you like my comment towards Emperor Kuzco as to why he’s Leo. Surprised to see you back again so soon.


Ok, thanks for the information

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