NBC mayor Concept

It is a new year, a time of resolutions and etc. I have been looking for Inspiration, and I think I found it. Sadly, it is a long time to wait for Halloween soo… Imma give you a “scare” now instead. :grin:

The Mayor.

“Jack, please, I’m only an elected official here, I can’t make decisions by myself!”

The mayor uses his split personality all around creepiness to scare the enemies into submission.

Basic attack throws a spider (notice the one he uses as a tie.)

Position: Mid

Entrance: Walks onto battlefield showing Scare side then rotates to Friend side.

Victory: Switches to Friend side, smiles and raises both hands as if to wave.

Defeat: Switches to Scare face and snarls at enemies.

Role: Support?

White skill: Mayor role.

The mayor falls on his side and rolls through enemies, knocking them back, stunning them for 5 seconds and dealing X Normal damage.

If in his Scare side, the mayor deals Fantastic damage instead of normal and also removes all buffs on enemies lvl Y and below.

If in his Friend side, the mayor heals for 50% of the total damage done.


Green Skill: Face Changer.

The mayor rotates his face to the opposite side of what it currently is: either to Scary side or Friend side.

If it rotates to his Scare side, he scares all enemies for 12 seconds and gains a 25% chance to stun for two seconds on basic attacks.

If it rotates to his Friend side, the Mayor gains a shield that shields him for X HP or lasts 7 seconds. Any of the shields HP that remains after the 7 seconds heals him for that amount.

giphy (8)

Blue skill: Next plan.

The mayor takes out a paper and shows it to the allies behind him.

If in his scare form, all their basic attacks deal Fantastic damage and they gain a 25% decrease in cooldowns for the next 10 seconds.

If in his Friends form, all allies behind him gain X armor and Y reality for the rest of the wave.

The Mayor is included in these effects. Allies in front of the mayor are unaffected.


Purple skill: Mayor of Halloween Town.

While in his Friend form, the Mayor has 50% more Armor.

While in his Scare form, enemies that are scared and take damage lose 50 energy.

This is less effective against enemies lvl Y and above.


Mayor and Jack Skellington; Next Halloween Party.

Disk Power 1: Mayor gains X armor

Disk Power 2: Mayor role deals 20% more damage

(+10% per star)

Mayor and Bogo; Leaders in hard times.

Disk Power 1: Mayor gains a shield for X after he uses his white skill.

Disk Power 2: Everytime Mayor uses his blue skill, all affected allies also gain 200 energy.

(+50 energy per star)

Hope you enjoyed have a great new year! :grin:


Just a question, how does he get his “Scared” side?

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Maybethis should have been more specific. It changes either to his Scary side, or his Friend Side.

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Great concept!

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