Nega duck is a 2 star “damage hero” team red
Position: front
Quote: “I am the most fiendish terror that flaps in the darkest night! I am the skunk that pollutes your air! I am… NEGADUCK!”
Basic attack: same as dark wings OR uses his chainsaw (normal damage)
Victory: does his evil laugh
Defeat: gets mad
White skill: chainsaw manic (normal damage)
Nega duck uses his chainsaw and strikes the closest enemey until he runs out of energy dealing damage and stunning the enemy until he runs out of energy. While this skill is active nega duck dodges all basic attacks and skills until he runs out of energy
Green skill: cruel heartless villion
Nega duck is immune to disables.
Blue skill: Evil laugh
Nega duck laughs healing and increases his attack speed by 50%
Purple skill: so cruel
Whenever nega duck blocks a charm nega duck will prefer to attack that enemy who tried to charm him also dealing XXXXX bonus damage to them
Red skill: leader of fearsome 5
If mega volt is in the team and mega volt dies nega duck becomes berserk and his attack speed increases by 200% for 30 seconds. If the enemy is dark wing duck negaduck has a 50% chance of insta kill darkwing with his white skill.
Increase max Hp
Increase basic damage
XXXX more damage to “chainsaw manic”
Friendship: no one