Nemo & friends

Nemo & friends

Nemo and his friends with help of theirs teacher mr ray will help allies from enemies damage at battlefield.
Note : I don’t know it’s a good idea to have them out of water

Role : support

Team : yellow

Stars : two

Pos: Mid line

Basic damage : nemo and friends and mr ray will talk together and having fun and they will be healed by X.

Skills :
White : bubble shield
Mr ray run through allies and giving them bubble shield , shield will make them immune to normal damage , shield last for 6 seconds.

Green : ocean chorus
Nemo and friends sings a sing together giving all allies 2 stacks of hardy .

Blue skill : water splash
Mr ray splash water with his tail .
Dealing damage to nearby enemies .

Purple skill : nemo’s luck
Nemo and friends have 25 % Dodge chance
Every time they dodge a attack they get X skill power.

Red skill : group work
After using white skill and blue skill allies will be wet. Wet allies are immune to any damage over time skills from enemies .
Purple skill also grants 100 energy per dodge .

Friends ships :
Bubble shield now heal allies every second by X.
+y skill power

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Cool I like it

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I would love Nemo and Dory to come!

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