I’ve noticed that many players dislike the new platinum badges. The old badges were a great way to reference obscure and non obscure characters, movies, moments, and events through out Disney’s 100 year history. I have realized though, that creating badges probably takes a lot of work as the dev team has to watch whatever they want to reference. This thread is a place for you to post all your badge ideas. Maybe the dev team will use this to help bring back old badges. Feel free to post a frequently as you like. The more ideas the merrier. Also just out of curiosity do you like the new platinum badges or dislike them
- Love Platinum
- Like Platinum
- Don’t Care
- Dislike Platinum
- Hate Platinum
- Have no idea what I am talking about
0 voters
To start things off I’ve always thought a badge about the waterfall scene in Emperor’s new groove would be cool. Maybe with the description saying “you can’t have a river scene without one”. as both the main characters make fun of the fact the waterfall is there.