New Feature- hero chip revolver

My first suggestion said on forums several times in regards to exclusive toons is switch their positions around every two months (prize wall, arena crates, contests, city watch crates, etc) be my first priority of a suggestion to slow down the “enough is enough of x chips for contests)… my second suggestion would be a new feature the hero chip revolver….

Thanks to the science of Beaker and Bunsen, the revolver allows the user to place x amount of gold and hero chips to recycle chips to some other toon , red skill chip or badge. The rarer the wanted output is (including other exclusive) the more gold and or hero chips (depending on rarity of sacrificed hero chips) it would take.

Thoughts @Loutre and everyone else?

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Woah there buddy

With the huge inflation of gold that’s been going on ever since Endless Surge was released this is gonna be so exploitable and PerBlue is not gonna love it


Just figured gold since that’s their reason for not giving us double or triple ports as frequently . Something is always exploited , usually is the players more, and tired of it being that way… we need more ying for ever yang.

I think there’s some potential to this idea, if for no other reason than to act as a gold sink, since PerBlue is concerned about that right now.

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