New Friend Land Ideas Information: The Doom Gangsters Part 3 Zweoilords

Hello, everyone Today I give you information on the Poll Winner Doom Gangster Zweoilords.


Zweoilords is a very hungry Zweoiltos in the Dark Element Villain and his Rank is a C.

Grander: Male ♂️

Species: Zweoiltos

Universe: Pokemon

Crimes: Eat people, Burned buildings and people, stolen food and money from restaurants and super markets, ate a whole whale.

Personality: His very hungry, and he will get very cranky if the heads don’t eat, he loves eating meat so much that he will eat anything that’s made out of meat, even People. He can grow the a giant size Zweoilords and can burn down anything and anyone with his smelly yet very powerful Flamethrower.

Zweoilords can chomp, spit, and burn everything in their way, even with Zweoilords knowing, Roar, Dragon Dance and Outrage, their most powerful move is Flamethrower, it so powerful that it can burn down a 2000 feet building light entire city.

• Zweoilords is one of three Doom Gangsters that eats a lot, the other ones are RobbinSwine and Chomperant.
• Zweoilords is the only Doom Gangster that in the Dark Element.
• His one of few Doom Gangsters that become a heroes.

Which Doom Gangster would you like to see next?

  • Anne Puppenchuy
  • Kaaarvil Reaper
  • Bufferhorn and Bregi Drilla

0 voters

Anne Puppenchuy

Kaaarvil Reaper

Be Prepared for the day :smiling_imp:.

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