New Guild Perks Too Expensive

Is there an error in the cost of these new guild perks for war? 130 Million for one is crazy. Maybe the top handful of guilds can blow through those but those arn’t the guilds that need the bump. Seems this is another update that benefits very few. Not to mention while we are trying to save up for those perks we are taking away the other perks that some of our lower power members need. Very frustrating.


The new perks specifically are for the guilds who’ve already maxed everything else out. It’s not just “the top guilds”–it’s most guilds that have been around longer than a week.

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We have maxed everything out and we have been around for years. They are too expensive and take away from the other perks that you can repeatedly get that benefit members. It is only the top guilds that these benefit because they will be the only ones who can get them filled up but again, they arn’t the ones that need them.


Supposedly the devs are discussing further additions (or changes?) to Guild Perks for future updates; hopefully some of those will be more universally helpful. As it is, these new perks strike me as the same thing as battle badge levels and enhancements: something for whales to pursue that will have minimal effect on the rest of the players. In one sense, it’s nice to know that Guild Perks haven’t been completely abandoned, but this first round of new perks has definitely left me like


@Samm , @Polaris , and anyone else at perblue….

These new guild perks really are a triple slap to the player faces. 1. First was the long slap how neglected they were for years. 2. How expensive these are. 3. The least wanted of all guild perks been requesting for years now.

I hope your changes/reconsiderations happen sooner than later, and for the better of the player. Becuase the price to these “new” perks really ticking people off in the game. All can say is tred carefully… I know the intent of the game is to go on for years to come, but lately a lot of the decisions or lack of , makes us players keep thinking negative thoughts. Please start throwing some pixie dust our way so we can feel like we flying in the game without being whales, becuase I see whales even quiting or talking about quitting Becuase of these decisions.


We appreciate everyone’s feedback. I’m sorry that these have been such a big disappointment. It’s not our intention to make the game exclusive to only a specific group of players, so I will definitely let the rest of the team know how you all feel about the new perks.


Please also keep in mind that as we move to future War Seasons, the previous “new” perks will reduce in cost.


It’s not that these perks themselves are a big disappointment! They are still marginally useful and something worth saving up influence for.

It’s more the fact that after so long waiting for new perks, the ones we’ve now received are very small & expensive incremental upgrades to existing perks that in terms of usefulness to the average player, are very very low on the list :stuck_out_tongue: they affect 1 game mode only, by an increase of 1%, only on defence, most aren’t even guaranteed to be used in every war, and provide no assistance to player’s development :man_shrugging:

So generally we are feeling underwhelmed and disappointed, but not because these perks are inherently bad - just not as good as the majority of others, or brand new ones, and after such a long time we had hoped for something more substantial.


I am confused. The cost is 130M but our guild influence maximum is 1.6M. That’s a big shortfall.

In Guild Level 5 perks you can upgrade your influence storage to 200M (quite the jump from the previous limit, lol)


Yeah that is quite a jump. One I also didn’t realise at first. I thought it was going to be 2 million from 1.6, but it is instead 200…

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