New Hero Suggestion

New Hero Suggestion:
From The Disney Movie Titled: Aladdin
Character’s Name: Jafar

•3-star hero
•Middle-Front-line Control Hero
White: “I am Powerful”

~Jafar transform into a Giant Snake burning all enemies_ dealing 1325 each enemies that burns, and poison all damage,support and even control heroes of the enemy lasting for only 10 seconds.Each damage of the poison hurts about 175 per damage.

Green: “Its Mine,Its All Mine”

~Jafar used his Staff to steal 75% of enemies energy power and sharing it with his allies granting them 50% each of the energy that is been stealed.

Blue: “The Golden Rule”

~Jafar uses his black magic to heal himself about 3475 and poisoning all back-line heroes for 8 seconds dealing 235 each damage…

Purple: Evil Command

~Jafar uses the black lamp to transform into a Evil Genie granting him 100% of strength,defense ability and tenacity and granting all allies and even himself with 175% attack speed and true damage.This can be use after Jafar uses the First Skill.This only last for about 20 seconds.

Orange: “Universe is Mine”

~The Evil Genie uses his cosmic powers to blast enemies off dealing 50% of the enemies HP and changing all enemies positions.This can be only used while Jafar is in the Genie form…

*I guess we can get Jafar in the VIP crate or after we recharge some diamonds w/ deals or w/o

*And maybe after a month We can get Jafar from diamond crates or in the Guild War Shop…

White does not make sense…

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It means that Jafar transformation deals damage and poison all heroes except tank role heroes

Alright, here’s my usual constructive criticism for concepts with debatable quality.

1: Off the bat, the skill names are pretty bad. The blue and “orange” skill names don’t even have anything to do with the actual skill.
2: You rarely add a space after a period/coma.
3: The white skill is a train wreck. The poor grammar makes it difficult to put together, but at this point I’m assuming that English is not your first language. Even still, poisoning (which happens to be Sally’s thing, Jafar never poisons anyone, I don’t think) damage, support, “and even control” heroes is rather repetitive. Why not just say “poison has no effect on tanks”? Even with the whole poison issue, it feels like a rip off of Mal’s white.
4: RIP grammar, the green skill is atrocious.
5: Please don’t use specific numbers for skills, just put X in place of it so it’s more like an actual skill. Also, you are aware that black magic usually isn’t used for such things, correct?
6: The purple is… junk. True damage is only used for execution or Stitch’s life steal. It’s not innovative and pretty OP.
7: We aren’t getting any blasted orange skills, we already have O6. If we were going to have them, we would’ve got them a long time ago. I don’t have a clue why fools keep adding orange skills to your skillsets, no one with half a brain even wants them.
8: Said orange skill is also OP, just like the purple.
9: You put an orange skill in and even where he would be obtainable from, yet no friendships? Seriously?

All in all, maybe write them in your native language so the grammar isn’t as difficult? There are the occasional posts in German and Spanish, I doubt if anyone will mind. You should also try to put some more thought into them and try to make them creative and new. I will say I’m glad that you avoiding any pure damage/healing skills, although you missed an opportunity with Jafar’s hypnosis.


That purple skill is too OP

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