New Hero: White Rabbit

Hero: White Rabbit
Movie: Alice and Wonderland


“Oh my fur and whiskers I am late!”

White Rabbit bounds through the battlefield, defeating enemies in his dreadful rush to reach his destination.

Entrance: White Rabbit runs in, checks his watch, then gets ready to fight.

Victory: White Rabbit smiles then pulls his gloves on further.

Defeat: White Rabbit checks his watch, then collapses to the ground.

Basic Attack: White Rabbit throws a pebble

White skill: The Time Gone.

White Rabbit pulls out his pocket watch, glances at it, then runs through the enemies dealing X normal damage, stunning them for 1 second, and slowing them all by 50% for 9 seconds.

Green skill: Synchronize

White Rabbit opens his watch and resets it, then targets the closest enemy to him. All allies target that enemy with their attacks.

Blue skill: Late, Late, Late.

When the White Rabbit activates his white skill, he also steals all positive buffs on enemies lvl Y and below and adds two seconds to their timers before using them himself.

Purple skill: Down the rabbit hole.

Everytime an ally is slowed, The White Rabbit reverses the slow and increases that characters movement speed instead.

The White Rabbit heals x amount every time he receives speed buff from one of his allies.

Role: Support?

Row: Mid


You haven’t made a character concept in a while ay? It is nice

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Wow , so creative one !
One of best concepts that i have see on this forum !


Always on time but always late for that game called Disney Heroes Battle Mode

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His voice tone is still clear to my ears when he says, “I’m late!”

But one thing. I think I don’t remember him resetting his watch. Did that happen in the movie?

Well,in all honesty, no. However, I did go a little outside the movie in that regard. But I figure it wouldn’t hurt him at all. Annd it helps build on his character more. Plus, the skill itself is unique. :wink:


Oh, okay. I get it. Mad Hatter did not use his hat to shoot anything in the movie so I guess that is acceptable.


Oh I forgot, @Queen_Kate I thought you might be interested?


“Everytime”? Too OP Really.

Hmmm is it though? slows do not happen very often, they are only one kind of the many buffs. so to make a character that only negates slows, is not OP imo.I

this skill is really only a counter to Finnick teams, and Elsa to a certain extent.

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Sure add it on the Queen of Hearts thread put a pic too!

Thanks @Champion_David


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