New heroes we want to see!

Lol in potc movies characters Wil be alive again .this is Theory for the potc film

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Well, Barbossa is a villain-turned hero, so, for me, he counts as a villain. A half-villain.

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They already added one character without a major role in the movie, it was Yax.

There are plenty of characters they added without a important role in the movie. And also about basbossa counting as a villain, nick was a villain turned hero,and depending on how you think about it,maui was too (he did steal the heart)

Sometimes villians are the secound most like charectures in the movies. I personally hated gaston but that was because he was going agenst the beast and belle, but he was a pretty well developed charecture.


Letā€™s just agree that whatever Disney Heroes will add in the game, are fixed. Nothing will change their minds.

Yup thatā€™s true. But I can hate it all I want XD

But again even with Gaston he did simply (and ignorantly) think he was in the right by defeating a beast to ā€œrescue/saveā€ a damsel in distress. Even though he tried to commit murder he coouulllddd be argued as not villainous.

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No, i suppose he isnt technically a villainā€¦maybe more like a hotshot coward? Like the beast couldve killed him but didntā€¦in wxchange for the beasts mercy, he attempts to kill thw beast and ultimately kills himselfā€¦his pride couldnt take his lossā€¦does he deserve to be ingame? Idk

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bout kevin flynn, iā€™m not sure if he really died. in the scene he possible die, u can hear a sound of something falling in the water. There was rumors that was going to be a trilogy at the time (now its already cancelled), so Iā€™m pretty sure that he was alive hahaha

Hmmmmā€¦ sorry, Flynn is dead. The one you heard falling in the water? That was Rinzler, a.k.a ā€œrepurposedā€ Tron. Sadly, Rinzler didnā€™t make it after falling in the Sea of Simulation.

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Belle,Lumiere,Mad Hatter,Moana,Alice,Genie,Beast and Gaston

You got it! :partying_face:

But you didnā€™t have to revive the topic :frowning_face:

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Gaston is already in the game. Or at least he is on the server Iā€™m in.

Yes, that comment was made a long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, before Gaston was in game. :wink:

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Sorry about that

Donā€™t worry. Not reviving dead topics is just a rule of thumb here in the forums. :slight_smile:

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