New heroes we want to see!


Wait all of these?

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Why the neck is gaston coming into the game… He is dead!

Yeah, I heard about them coming. I hope the beauty & the beast is gonna be the original one rather then the live action one.

I’m also predicting that Genie is gonna be the next V.I.P 3 star character.

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Well, technically, 8/9 characters there are going to be implemented in the game. Good luck finding out who. :wink:

!well that’s fine with me cuz all everyone wants is stitch XD

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Nice photoshop, really.

I don’t made it ! I get it from discord

But trust me they are true !

Yes but emma Watson is pretty too!

Awsome, i cant wait to find out witch 5 they acturly put in the game.


Well actually I was gonna say Alice inatead of Luminere and genie instead of gaston!

Well, @Epic_Mickey created a Description and Skillset for Alice here. You could go check it out…

Developers made their skills before .he make skill set ! They planned all the heroes ! So the alice skill will not like his idea!

Yes l agree with lumerie a candle is not a hero actually ! Lol
But Gaston no! He is a important character

Not all “heroes” in the game HAS to be a hero, take Yax as an example. As stated in the Zootopia Wiki, Yax is a supporting character, not a protagonist. His screen time is only shown when Judy and Nick, the protagonist and the deuteragonist respectively, goes to The Mystic Spring Oasis to ask the whereabouts of Emmit Otterton, which surprisingly, answers the question.

That proves that the Heroes in the game does not need to be alive nor be a hero.
Sure Yax is good but that does not mean that he’s an actual protagonists.

Another example is Kevin Flynn in the film, Tron: Legacy

He’s dead, straight up dead. In the end of the film, he sacrificed himself to save his son, Sam Flynn and Quorra from CLU, and kill him (CLU).

Even though he’s dead, he’s still considered a hero, why? He sacrificed something, i.e his life, for the greater good, i.e saving his son and Quorra.

One more example is Captain Hector Barbossa.

Like Flynn, he sacrificed himself to save Jack Sparrow and his daughter, Carina from Captain Salazar, and, also had to kill him (Salazar).


Disney Characters doesn’t need to be a hero nor be alive, to be in the game.

Lumierre, not a hero, is going to be added to the game
Gaston, a dead villain, is going to be added to the game
Captain Salazar, also a dead villain, is going to be added to the game.


Hmm very interesting I never watched tron so I didn’t know he died I never watched all of potc either. However,regardless of their deaths their is no real villain in the game! Zurg turns out as Buzz’s dad (literal dad in the movie). Finnick is a criminal not a villain (and Nick was a criminal as well) Gaston would completely alter the title as heroes! So what if they add characters without a major role in the movie… But villains??? I hope not…


I’m not saying they won’t add gaston,I’m saying that if they did then it will go against the title of the game.

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