Why not have 6 heroes on the team instead of 5 Heroes?!
Just no.
Why no? Why no?
That would ruin the meta
No, never. Please. 5th skill already ruined the game. No more than 5 heroes.
What meta?
The meta is like the system you can use to get to the top.
6 heroes would break the meta because then players would be able to use another OP hero. Randall is already enough.
Even if PB were to add a 6th hero, they would have already faced many difficult tasks to try and fit in a 6th hero. It’s easier said than done.
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If they ever allow 6 heroes on a team, it would have to be for a new PvE mode. But I don’t see it working working too well when 10 heroes barely fit on the screen.
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Aside from the meta problems, they have said before that this would make the game really laggy on a lot of devices