New Invasion Week Review

Holy moly you guys, as soon as I saw the change in Invasion, I just HAD to write something about it!

I just can’t contain my excitement over this magnificent and marvelous development!

At first I was a bit concerned that some characters were missing, since I was used to seeing certain characters right off the bat, like Barbossa since I thought this week would be Yellow (which it technically still is), but then I scrolled further and looked more closely and saw that all characters are still present.


Of course, the bad thing is that no Mod Upgrades were available, but considering that we’ve been getting Armor, Purple Skill, Normal and Fantastic Crit upgrades, this is definitely a breath of fresh air. Now we’re able to get new characters sooner, more money, more Mods; MORE EVERYTHING!

While this is great step in the right direction, especially since it appears that Perblue is listening to the fanbase, there is still more work to do.

The glaringly egregious part about this experimental update is that only a select ten heroes are Powered Up. Due to the fact that not everybody, understandably so, has/builds the same character, there’s a good chance that people will not be able to reap these rewards.

Should this “fourth” Invasion Week be a permanent installation into the game, then one thing I would suggest is to have ALL characters be Powered Up, as it makes this kind of Invasion more accessible to players - if all characters were to be Powered Up, then it would allow players to have more freedom in the kinds of teams they could craft for this kind of Invasion.

Adding onto that, in regular Invasion, if we didn’t have a character we wanted to Power Up, we could instead just apply a +1 to every character in the same Team. Unfortunately, we don’t have the option to at least apply a +1 to all characters; it’s restricted to the characters in the “Select Team” which is to say not very much, coming in at only 10 Heroes.

I apologize for overlooking the new problems that came with this update in my excitement :sweat: Thank you to the people in the comments who pointed them out

One more aspect that seems to have changed, I think, is that the points acquired from defeating Boss Bots has been doubled! In the span of 20-30 minutes, I was able to hit Tier 17.

Does anybody have any pics of the points acquired from a previous Invasion to compare? Because I could have sworn the points used to be lower, ranging from 25-70.

As stated, this is a great start, and I look forward to seeing more of the feedback the community has provided being implemented. Thank you so much Perblue @Elliot @Polaris :relieved:

Edit: Just found out that there was a post by @Elliot announcing this

(Special Invasion Teamwork Week)

Edit: Got rid of a little section about RNG since it was broken down by @Red5torm

Edit: Applied the feedback left in the comments


It’s garbage absolutely ridiculous to change it like this! 10 heroes that either suck or that people can’t afford to upgrade. It’s a horrible Invasions move


The only reason you are consistently getting the power ups for your chosen heroes, is because you are working with only a pool of 7 (in your screenshots, you still have 3 of the10 locked) rather than a pool of almost 30. It’s not that they fixed the RNG. Glad you’re happy about the changes, but unfortunately, you are in the minority.


And another change, it’s unplayable for 99.9% players.


unsure if OP sarcasm


There is already also a post for feedback about invasion

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The poll makes no sense either there isn’t a option for horrible Invasion update


Realistically - i am using only one of the heroes out of the 10.


I’m using 3 fortunately 3 are powerful and the rest are weak. So I understand if many players are frustrated. Even me having 3 powerful characters it’s still hard to even reach for all those great prizes


It’s stupid, cause they’re still doind this, instead of rebalancing the game itself, forcing us to, still, spend money. Now, where have i heard that? Oh i know: Everyone on my server told me, cause they all hate the new updates, they’re all pretty inactive.

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