New Villain: Bill Cipher

So, I’m very new to the forum, but I had an idea for my namesake to be a hero in the game. I guess he’d be damage, but I’m sure people would have a lot of changes to recommend.

Bill Cipher
“Existence is upside down and I reign supreme!”
White: Weirdmageddon - Bill fires a flame burst from his eye, inflicting major damage to heroes in front of him and dealing damage over time to adjacent enemies.
Green: Pain is Hilarious - Bill uses his powers to create a barrier, protecting himself and redirecting a portion of enemies’ damage back at them for x seconds.
Blue: Let’s Make a Deal - Bill charms an enemy to fight for him for x seconds.
Purple: Reality is a Hologram - When Bill’s health drops below 30%, he creates a hologram of himself with x% of his max health that distracts enemies.

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Um where is this villain from…what movie??

I’m not sure if you’re serious, but he’s not from a movie, he’s from a TV Series called Gravity Falls…


:sweat_smile: oh :sweat_smile:

I haven’t watched Gravity Falls…Maybe I will this summer… Thanks for lettimg me know! :grin:


Oh, ok.

You should watch that, it’s pretty great :slight_smile:

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So I hear getting expectations high :wink:


XD I was wondering the same as @Champion_David

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043f3d935411dfb16f1c2a73897dd218_preview_featured_large%20(1)this bill?

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This Bill, indeed! He’s a pretty cool villain, imo.

yes he is i love gravity falls

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He has Illuminati literally all over him…the message for people in game would not be good…

Eh, he was fine for Disney on television, and there’s a god of death and a literal murderer in the current roster. I can’t imagine something so silly would be a stumbling block - especially since the show has a pretty large following even now, years after it wrapped. :man_shrugging: Would be cool to have some representation from Gravity Falls in the game beyond badges, though.

Also, the entire show is pretty much built around conspiracy theories, urban legends, and folklore.

I thought he was the uncle?

The set is cool with the exception of blue skill IMO. I think the skill shoul work for several seconds, 6 for example, not increasing with the level. Yet you know Bill, he may play unfair and deal X damage per second to the charmed enemy.

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I agree with this 100%! I’d wondered if doing damage to the charmed enemy was too OP - but also really just used x as a placeholder because I wasn’t sure how long would be a well-balanced timeframe. Good call!

but Charmed enemies are attacked by the player’s team anyway, so I don’t really see how that would make any difference for a part of his skill to be to attack the charmed enemy

I made a post on Bill Cipher. Just press the link Weirdmaggedon

Gotta make a LOT of complaints. Here’s the list
White Skill:
Okay one thing is for sure. Bill Cipher’s eye is sensitive, except to a punch or less (and maybe a little more) and Bill CAN’T light his eyes on fire. All he can do with his eye is see and regenerate it
Green Skill:
A comment doesn’t mean powers. Same for Purple Skill. Bill can’t reflect damage with this. All he did is smash his (Dipper’s actually) arm with a drawer.
Blue Skill:
The only problem is how…? Will he shake out his hand that’s lit with blue fire. FYI that’s lit of lines of code just for Bill to shake hands with an enemy which is what led me to Screaming Head in my article
Purple Skill:
As I said about the Green Skill, comments don’t mean abilities. Bill CAN’T make holograms. The abilities the Bill has is that he can change matter, light things on fire, summon heads, absorb “attacks,” etc.
So yeah… Check mine out and vote in the poll. Who’s Bill Cipher is better? Mine or Bill_Cipher’s?

What?! The uncles are Grunkle Stan and Ford. Stan is the OG Grunkle

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