New villains!

There’s a bunch I can list but my top three that I would want first would be these three Bad Boys:

Davie Jones (Not only is Jack Sparrow and Barbossa in the game but also Davy Jone’s lover Tia Dalma, come on!!!)

Syndrome (The whole family is in the game. Enough said)

& Yokai (Baymax & Hiro exist now! I love Yokai!)

All of these villain’s heroes are already in the game so it’s just a matter of when or if. Please disney Dev team! Thank you for making Elsa & Jack skellington <3


Some Heroes don’t have their villains. I’m going to exclude yours:

  • Bellweather

  • Lotso

  • King Candy / Turbo

  • Randall

  • AUTO

  • CLU

  • Te Ka

  • Jafar

  • Oogie Boogie

  • Hans

  • Mor’du

  • Ernesto De la Cruz


:ok_hand: Cool ideas dude

(20 :ok_hand:)

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@HeroSSWin I know that… Obviously there are other existing villains but those are the ones I hope they make first.

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Nice! Though, I’d like to see some villains from movies that haven’t had characters from them integrated.

  • Mother Gothel
  • Bowler Hat Guy
  • Long John Silver
  • Loki
  • Kylo Ren
  • Helga Sinclair
  • Mad Madam Mim
  • Hopper
  • Constantine The World’s Most Dangerous Frog
  • Cruella DeVille
  • Professor Ratigan
  • Kronk and Yzma


Add Syndrome! They sould.

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Wot kind of gif is dat?! Its too funny! :joy:

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John Silver


Thanks for the suggestions guys, love them all!

@Tonny_Dias Even though I absolutely love the movie Treasure Planet, I don’t think they will ever Implement Treasure Planet characters because of the movie’s history with Disney… It’s a long story

clears throat you mean Mike Yagoobian?

He is no Villain. Past Lewis stopped future Goob’s plans by showing him the future (cuz Goob had gone back in to the past to destroy future Lewis’ future)

Which made future Goob change his views of life. Then past Lewis went back to deal with past Goob so that the future Goob that tried to destroy His future (the one where he becomes his future self) wouldn’t exist in the first place. Which creates a Time Paradox in which since the future Goob (that was evil) never stole the time machine, or met Doris, the moviw never happened and the Lewis in the past of the present Lewis will not Know to do those thongs starting the cycle into an endless loop. :astonished::confused::dizzy_face:

Goob is a villain turnwd good. Like several other characters in game. Also not related but

Why did Maui even take the Heart of
Tai Vity ? He couldnt sell it on a black market or anything…and then he is afraid of it…? :confused::confused::confused::dizzy_face::dizzy_face::dizzy_face:

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Anyway plz ignore my previous comment but do not flag it. Thank you.

@Saint_Oasis I feel like it is worth pointing on the fact that no MAIN villain has the hwroes of the movie in game. As does no hero have the MAIN villains in game. To me the reasons are obvious and I hope it stays the way it is in that respect.

Plus, If you gonna add Syndrome (which seems highly unlikely) then you may as well add Edna Mode too cuz she had a more important role in both movies than Syndrome did.

@Champion_David Even though I do agree with you about Goob in Meet the Robinsons. He was never truly evil he just went off the wrong path and he had a bad life but through a paradox and going in the future they were able to change that.

However… I’d have to disagree with you on what you said about Disney villains and heroes. Yes by coincidence we don’t have Simba, Aurora and Hercules. But technically we do have Buzz Lightyear and Zurg (And don’t you dare say Zurg is not a villain because he is) and we also have Jack Sparrow and Barbossa. On the other hand Barbossa might be a little more neutral than Zurg but in the first movie he was the villain.
So your reason isn’t accurate.
And why wouldn’t you want those villains in the game as much as the others? That’s just lame

P.s Obiviously Syndrome got waaaay more screen time and lore than Edna in the first movie, all she did was make mr. Incredible a new suit & told Elastigirl where her man was, that’s all she did in the first movie… you’re just speaking from your narrow opinion.
And don’t say “both” movies because Syndrome wasn’t even alive in the second movie so that’s not a fair comparison smh.
Everybody knows Edna doesn’t have abilities so for you to suggest her compared to Syndrome isn’t necessary.

Let’s now wait until Halloween. :octopus:

I think cy-turbo, syndrome, bellweather, waternoose, davy jones and auto should have been added in the villains next update since their franchise was the original one in this game and some of them have cool looking designed especially cy-turbo, waternoose and davy jones in my opinion

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I dont understand how you can have villains in a game called Disney Heroes. Sounds kind of like a Descendants thing, but even King Ben only tried to rehabilitate the descendants of villains and not the villains themselves.

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Maui stole the heart of Te Fiti as another in a series of ever-escalating feats (many of which he mentions in the “You’re Welcome” song) to make humanity like him since he was cast out as a baby and he wanted to feel wanted. He didn’t realise that doing so would cause so much chaos and corruption, or that this would end up costing him his heroic reputation (in effect doing the exact opposite of what he had wanted)

I think they meant “across both movies”, with Edna’s smaller role in two movies deemed equatable to Syndrome’s main villain role in the first one but complete absence from the second. They’re not really equatable but I think that’s what the other person meant

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@Saint_Oasis Thanks for agreeing on Goob. You are right in several respects. Zurg is a villain but, first we need to define the word villain.

My definition of villain in these senses is the main enemy of the heroes. Zurg had a very small part in toy story two only. One could say that Al was the villain but because he didnt kbow the toys were alive and cannot be in game with toys that are alive, (that is my opinion) then Prospector Pete becomes the villain of Toy story 2. and he is mentioned un game. In fact, Woody and Jessie have a friendship mission involving him.

Now unto your second point of Barbossa. This game was released after Barbossa became more of an antihero. Which means that one could look at him any way they choose. ALso, plz note i prolly have not seen enough of POTC but those movies is All a matter of opinion.

Pirates are technically the villains of the movie and the government is just trying to save lives. (I do not know your opinion. Plz note that.) However I kinda get a kill the government vibe from that movie. Barbossa and Jack work together servera times and (if I remember correctly) sort of part on neutral terms.

Therefore, I believe my previous statement was incorrect as you said. I will edit it right after finishing this comment. I should have said, Their are no MAIN villains in this game that have heroes from their respective movies.

As for Edna Mode abd Syndrome, I just really really like Edna Mode and really want her to be in game. But Syndrome has no true powers of his own. He said as much himself. So I really wonder if him and his intelligence building his weapons,
Can compare to ALL the things Edna Mode did for the Incredibles. Perhaps her age makes her smarter for she realized the dangers of capes.

she made invisible fabric, friction resistance fabric, stretchy fabric, fire-proof fabric, and all of it Machine washable!

Then in number two, in a SINGLE NIGHT she made all those gadgets for Jack Jack.

All I am saying is that surely, if Syndrome should get in For his intelligence game, then she should too.

As for my not wanting those villains, I do but I know that they all socialize together (friendships) and having Syndrome fighting with the Incredibles just…dpesnt seem right to ME. My opinion may be narrow but I have my reasons that it is so narrow.

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Yes add bowler hat guy aka Goob thank you someone who recognizes potential

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