Next update, when? (Part 1)

The next update would probably involve the November sign-in hero. Following patterns, it probably going to be from Mickey’s universe.

I’m sensing Pete.

TBH daisy just doesn’t seem game worthy…

May I remind you that yax and Gerald are in game, at this point any one is worthy


I’m hoping it’s chip and dale

Why is that? Yes, we had Mickey in 2018, but 2019 November Sign-in was Hook, as I remember.


We’ve only had mick in November, I think they mean DuckTales because we’ve gotten a lot of ducks in November

Maybe, but November had a couple of villains, and that justifylied the low villain number in October. This October definitely lacks them.


Maybe the sign in will be :melon: and :milk_glass: , and if you are right then maybe we could get DuckTales villains (glomgold, beagle boys, don karnage, negaduck, etc)

They are not from DuckTales.

The new one, and we got megavolt last year so I’d say negaduck counts. Also don karnage could count as one of the compensation villains

But the one’s in-game are from the old one…

Maybe PB gave us no villain because they’rr setting up for something big… something fearsome. If you know what i mean.

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So we normally get mickey heroes durring November
Maybe we’ll get both mickey and villians like maybe the phantom blot, Pete, or mortimer

Mickey or Mickey-esque universe (Ducktales, Darkwing Duck etc) but basically yes.

I want them to add fear

I just remembered something… the last State of the Game was in August, and the post said “In the next 3 months…” Does this mean that we’re getting a State of the Game soon? It’s almost been 3 months…

insert Polaris @ here even though it won’t work


Va ser el martes 27 de agosto

Que quieres dicir con eso?

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The next update is this Tuesday

No no no. Esto mensaje

Es Octubre

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