Next update, when? (Part 1)

What happened to Daisy and Anna?

Nothing. They have never been revealed or even leaked to appear in this game yet. And yet SOMEONE continuously claims otherwise.


I remembered that Anna was mentioned in a Dev Q&A , something to do with having combat problem like Belle.

(But that doesn’t mean she’s confirmed… yet…)


But speaking of Belle… was lumiere scrapped or something?

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Maybe… maybe not… I mean it’s been over a year


Well he was confirmed with Belle to be coming but it never happens

Belle is aready confirmed

Ik but it was before Belle was already in game

Hello everyone,

@Polaris Any of Patch Notes tomorrow? (Hopefully)

Yes :neutral_face:

It was confirmed a week ago


That doesn’t mean she is confirmed :roll_eyes:

Grunkle Stan was mentioned in Scrooge/HDL friendship and no one is saying he was confirmed :man_shrugging:

He is??? That’s interesting, considering how there’s no Gravity Falls characters in the game yet (I know there’s badges, but not full-on characters). What’s the context behind it?

Scrooge makes a bet with Stan. Whoever made the most money running a roadside attraction would win something (I forgot). Stan won.



Sad thing is it got removed thanks to friendship update :cold_sweat:

Really? Was it part of a chapter/level description then? Because I assumed that it would be part of the actual campaign dialogue.

It’s probably gonna to be 2 hero’s plus I’m still waiting for the next part of the campaign

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Mentions unfortunely doesn’t mean a hero is coming, if so we would already have Stan, Dalmatians, Bolt with Penny, Snow White, Ron, Alameda Slim and much more.

Hopping these hero’s will come soon

No. Scrooge/HDL campaign was about HDL losing Scrooge’s treasures, the 4 of them retrieving them, and then Scrooge eventually giving one of his treasures to a kid.

The interaction with Stan was in a friend mission

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