Next update, when? (Part 1)

We have to wait again every time

They did post a polar bear a few minutes before Coleslaw…

They*… (10c)


That’s true, but that was also only one time. It won’t be like that every update.

And besides, if that really was what they were going for, I’m pretty sure Polaris would find a GIF of an actual naked mole rat to use, not just a mouse.


I think if we just asked @Polaris their gender… It may be easier on my Dory like brain…

They may not say it, for the sake of privacy. It’s probably better that we just continue referring to them as “they”.

Although I do get what you mean about having a Dory-like brain lol.


Maybe the next patch was next friday

Yeah I guess

I’m still on hope for a crate heroes

Even throughout the month.

Up to 4 weeks.

Is that a question or a statement?

Also, no. They said “week”. Not “month” :expressionless:


It might’ve a 100% incorrect.

You know the Update will come next friday, not a “month”

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It is the last friday in the month usually

You know it says @One_Little_Spark

I…I think there is some grammar missing there. I do not know the information you are trying to convey here @RockzAreCool :grimacing:

Be patient. We won’t know for sure when Dr. Drakken will actually be coming until Polaris announces it.

Also, please don’t respond to older comments, especially ones from almost a year ago.


Also to add to @Myeong 's post:

Polaris has this thread muted, so he won’t be able to see your comment. Don’t expect any response from them.

Secondly, Dr Drakken might be leaked via friendship memories, it doesn’t say anything on how far PB is developing him. If they have as much trouble with Drakken as with Kim, you will need a lot of patience…


What do we think? Patch notes tomorrow?
@Polaris maybe you can give a hint… :wink:

He said there was none last week so tomorrow I hope

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