Next update, when? (Part 1)

You mean 1.16.10.


What if when all the chapters are unlocked in the game that we don’t have anymore level cap increases!!?:partying_face::thinking:

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What about newcomers? :thinking:

Your jokin! Your jokin! I CAN’T BELIEVE ME EARS!

Ok but seriously not only is it pretty impossible to understand you, what I did get out of that was pretty ridiculous. No more cap increases?! That isn’t happy until the game dies. All chapters unlocked? Do you mean by playing through it or just- wow you immediately have every chapter unlocked? Either way it makes zero sense. Your words are so confusing. And then you just ended with a P A R T Y emoji and a THONK emoji. PLEASE EXPLAIN.


Next update could be tomarow its 2 weeks from the latest major update its goes well since then the date off the next patch notes would be 20.3 abd update date in 23.3 just 5 days before the mulan live action will arrive early enough to realease mulan

Not tomorrow. Tomorrow is Thursday (in US and other countries).

Also, updates usually occur on Tuesdays. The Patch Notes are released Friday. Usually.

What I mean is that for all the areas left in the campaign their may be level increases for every new chapter but once all the chapters come to the game there may not be any more cap raises!!

Tommarow is fridday in most off the countries

Well, it’s still Wednesday in my time zone (but night).

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Your country isn’t always most of them

For some it is still Wednesday… but in 1 hour (PT) it’ll be Thursday

Here it’s Thursday for 10 hours already. Yet we all get the notes together, so that doesn’t mean a lot :upside_down_face:

Highly doubt it. They probably make another island you can slide the screen to go back and forth between with a diffrent story possibly and start the process again. (Granted enough people didn’t leave the game by then from feeling burnt out from the monthly cap and color increases :wink:)

There are patch notes tomorrow, @Polaris? :thinking:

I think next week will be the patch note

I think they’re likely to be tomorrow. They usually are every 2 weeks… which means tomorrow we should get some (though not too big probably)

That’s your opinion

WOW! You should really pay attention during the Dev q&as, in both they said that they are looking for a way to continue the story after the city island is filled.

Sorry I did not see that in the QandA! You don’t have to be so rude about it though!!! When I see Wave on the Forums all I can say is…

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Here Hope is the link of the comment.

Edit: it is! Look the number 6.

I’m sorry if I’m too brutally honest sometimes, but you could seriously try harder to keep yourself informed. What I said was meant more to be mildly humorous, do to the fact that I’m getting really sick of people making strange assumptions that make no sense, which ultimately forces someone (Usually me or Filadae Djaq) to inform this person of something they somehow didn’t know about because they didn’t pay attention to what was happening.

And if you seriously spam that image every time you see me, you should know you will become known as a spammer and eventually get enough flags to get banned.


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