Next update, when? [Season 2]

When will be the next cap raise? I’m trying to know if new enemies are appearing.

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Cap raises are every 4 weeks.

Our last one was on October 12th. So that means the next cap raise will be on November 9th, give or take.


Absolutely right my friend. It is exactly 28 days all the time.

Hot fix patch notes posted!


@Loutre any Halloween themed heroes will be released before Halloween?

And sign-in datails… next week?! :sob:

:broom: waits


Since there will be no hero update before Halloween, no there will not be any Halloween themed heroes. Sign-in details will most likely be next Friday.


I mean, we got Halloween-themed badges, what would you want more guys? :man_shrugging:

Also, how is the Hero Management looking up @Loutre? I thought of making some mock-up emojis on how I´d like a third way to display characters.

Variant A:

(How the whole screen would look:)

Variant B:

I suppose B would be better as in more heroes to display and not too clumped. Or maybe you develop some other way where a mock-up share would be possible? :thinking:

(Excuse the horrible edits)


It’s good how it is now…
No changes needed about that.

:broom: :broom: :broom:


They could do a special invasion that features toons that scare/Halloween ish :man_shrugging:

True, very true. I hope the team prepares something like that @Loutre. Although likely not as Halloween day is on Sunday. Maybe next week?

@Loutre Do you plan to add all languages? 7 languages ​​is very few

@Loutre may I ask if Cosmetic Level 1001 is final and nothing above can´t be reached or if there are levels coded above 1001? Thanks for answer.

That was said many times that no. Although I would help with Czech translation if the team wanted to introduce it, lol.

And the hero of the November sign?

It’s all going to be revealed on friday :smiling_imp:


The login character arrives tomorrow!

Can’t wait for login hero tomorrow.
(The folllowing text below is not DHBM related)
Everyone knows Halloween is on 31st every year, but since Sunday is the 31st, they made trick or treating on the 30th for this year.

Then why mention it here??? :man_facepalming:


Everyone needs to know that this Halloween is going early this year.

lt’s today! :smiley:

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No patch notes today just Sign-In Hero post

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