Next update, when? [Season 2]

I’ll be back next week

When we have more information for you we will post it.


Glad to see you again Loutre


Patch notes this Friday @Loutre?


So far, yes.


Facts because someone has to replace Sisu next week Thursday and I was able to

What do you mean “I was able to”? It’s like you said that you’re able to replace Sisu like if you’re a DHBM dev :confused:


Sorry but my phone died when I tried to fix it but what I meant to say is I was able to unlock Sisu because I’m in Nigeria for vacation and I had to find places with good Wi-Fi and use peoples hotspot to play the game because where I’m at now there’s no Wi-Fi so my dad bought us Wi-Fi and my sisters control it and BTW I wasn’t able to complete Chip and Dale’s sign in hero for December due to the days with no Wi-Fi and I missed the first day of 2022 because the Wi-Fi I’m using now didn’t work. I won’t be back until Monday

Pretty sure you could shorten this to:

My wi-fi does not work at the moment, I am on vacation, hotspot has not been working too and also my phone died. I apologize for not fixing that.


l think tomorrow we’ll just have one new hero. ls it 3.6 @Loutre?

You’ll have to wait and see.

Patch notes day


@Loutre waiting for approvals?


how long?

wonder if there will be any hero refresh.


or at least a stat buff for someone that needs it

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Whenever you guys ask “how long?” for anything I always imagine I have like 9 countdown timers on my wall and I just sit here watching them as if I can only post once they hit zero.

When things are approved and I have them is when they get posted! I don’t have a time.


[quickly names 20 heroes]

but if stat buff… it would be better for someone with good stats (from badges) like Yax, Flynn, Magica…

Time is ticking.

Honestly tho, I feel like it is usually in about 2-3 hours time, so… 3-4 PM for US Central and like 10-11 PM for Europe.

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Let’s all be patient and wait for the notes. It might take a long time.

Also @Loutre maybe we could try making a “Hero Spotlight” to give some feedback for character’s stats? Maybe.

Looking at Jack Sparrow who had 300 Armor Negation at R19, which is 322 since Y7 till Y10… so like 11 ranks passed, 55 levels and he got 22.

As an example. Something the players find lacking in heroes and the team could have a slight glance upon.

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