Next update, when? [Season 2]

Nothing about them is bad.


Uh no that’s not happening. These comments are really unnecessary tbh.


Plus the party starts next year


How come? They said they will be out of office.

It’s so strange to see the certain problem heroes not to be removed in the friendship campaign despite the spike in difficulty. If there’s a rarity cap, the certain problem heroes will still be in the game. Else they’ll be removed.

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Well, could you leave us an announcement for the last patch notes of the year before you close for break?

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We will have some Patch Notes before we leave, because some heroes will be moving around later in the month, as well as Patch Season and Challenger Season info :slight_smile:


I’m hoping Rose’s Hero Chips would be easy to reach!

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Whole rotation should be changed.
All heroes should be in diamond crates excluding Shere Khan, and once next hero is added, Shere Khan will be added to diamond crate.

Rotation should be
New hero > 8 weeks > added to diamond crates/another new hero > 8 weeks. . … … and so on

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Uhm, rather…
Shere Khan in VIP, Guild and all kinds of Special Crates (throw away Arena, Coli and CW Crates).
Then two Diamond Crate heroes.
And all the others in Gold Crates (1* unlocks). Ideally 2* and 3* heroes can be put there as a QoL.

You simply can´t have 10 exclusive heroes at different places anymore @TheGrillFather.
Cause the rotation for newest heroes will be 20 month long. So over a year and a half.

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That didn’t age really well. Especially Mulan.
Or these trials keep weaker enemies from this season?

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That won’t be a problem especially that I have Elsa in Emarald and Toy Stoey was the first franchise I got to the purple rank

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The cap raise is after winter break.
I think it’s 5.8 for that time.


I didn’t ask.


May I ask one thing @Polaris ?

Is the development of upcoming ranks inclined towards another year of Platinum Badges or there are already some approvals for ahem… new Emerald Badge designs.



So patch notes day tomorrow

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We already had one.


Flagged? Why was this flagged? It wasnt even inappropriate, I wrote an apology if this came off as rude?

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I kindly ask, that you stop posting these every Thursday.
You add no commentary, and ignore any official statements as to whether or not it will actually happen.
I do not need a reminder that tomorrow is Friday, because ultimately that’s all you’re saying.


No patch notes today. We will have patch notes for you when we get back from break on January 8, 2024!


Have great Christmas holidays and we´ll look forward to see you refreshed in early January :hugs:

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