Next update, when? [Season 2]

I wasn’t talking to you.

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Any patch notes?

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Dude it’s kinda late and it’s oblivious we didn’t get anything but the balance update for 5.9A

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Next week? Seems like PB was on break.

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@TheGrillFather anything today?


Emerald 7 :joy:

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The update’s live. As long as all the QoL improvements are installed, with all bug fixes in place, all the heroes will added back in. Although as long as you have Kuzco, Dante, Eda, and Rose on your lineup, you can take on all chapters easily, even when it comes to having all heroes as enemies in one future chapter.

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Is there any bug fixes today?

Don’t ask me I don’t work at Perblue

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Just asking Perblue. Not you.

Then why did you reply to me? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Sorry to everyone that uses Huawei and Sampson

Both types of phone should have access to Google Play Store.

You mean the actual app installed on the Home Screen when it’s activated

What’s going on with these stores? Are they being discontinued?

I’m asking if there’s an update. We always check for updates every Friday.

But you replied to me insted of saying

@TheGrillFather anything today?

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Doesn’t look like it…

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Then stop clicking the reply arrow on my post and click the blue button instead

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