Next update, when? [Season 2]

So far tonight you’ve revived a dead topic to tell someone not to revive dead topics, and you’ve told someone not to revive dead topics in an active topic that has nothing to do with any dead topics they may have revived. To be honest, that’s not really helpful.


That’s really good!

I guess it’s Cruella De Vil

Cruella De Vil, are you sure she’s coming in Disney Heroes: Battle Mode?

… The image literally says “Cruella De Vil” RIGHT THERE.

Also, why did you reply to the same comment 3 different times???


I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to reply him 3 times!

… So how come you didn’t reply this quickly to either of the comments I made yesterday asking you to stop constantly reviving concepts (or the PM I sent you asking the exact same thing a third time) and instead just continued doing your own thing?


Who’s coming next for Patch Notes 6.2? Is it Mufasa?

Or Hyena’s? Zazu? Sarabi? Sarafina? All those 5 characters in one update?

None of those

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Awwwwww :frowning:

They don’t do that sort of thing anymore. They only release 1 hero per update. Also…scroll up.

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Is that enough?

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Oh. That was sarcasm. I thought that it would get the worst there is if the game died due to the smallest amount of employees at PerBlue. Although it’s not just a one man company.

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And to top it off, we don’t know who is coming next. The clue gave off who is coming up next.

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Cruella is coming next

Cruella is coming next? Wow! :star_struck:

But I thought you already knew?

This is why I don’t spoil

Technically, you just brought it up. Oswald made a topic and Meyong provided the spoiler as an answer and it just spiraled from there.

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