Next update, when? [Season 2]

Sorry if I started this. I just didn’t know so I turned to forums

That’s OK!

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Patch later today

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When today?

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We never really know for sure until PB decides to just give us the Patch Notes for the week tbh. There isn’t really a definitive time given for these announcements (although a set schedule would be appreciated tbh).


@Musketeer, Let’s hope the next month brings us a new support hero. Also, could you change your name to @Waiting_for_Sarah_Bug_Fix for the time being that Sarah’s Blue skill has been causing problems for over a year?

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… You can’t just tell someone to change their username just to get something you want fixed (as if that would actually impact that in any way).


When will Patch Notes of Cruella De Vil starts?

It says July 9th bruhh

Hopefully includes Server Merge news

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You are right! It is Cruella De Vil!

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What about in the next 4 weeks?

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Is there going to a update before July 31 when Sorcerer’s Arena is going to shut down? Since I know there’s going to be a referral program.


Server Merge before all else , please and thank you :blush:


Doesn’t exactly make all of us happy to see every cap raise with no bug fixes.
It’s time for PB to include all of this in chapters 84-85 before proceeding to duplicate lineups in chapters 86-89.:

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Just agreeing with McQueen :grin:


When’s the referral program for DSA with DHBM? This week? Who knows? Since this game is going to shut down in July 31st?


Patch Notes tomorrow with new hero?

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I think I know who we’re gonna get next and it’s a new franchise and it’s the main character of that movie and it won the Oscar for Best Animated Film

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