Next update, when? [Season 2]

Patch notes tomorrow

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Yay! I can’t wait to see Mirabel!

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Tomorrow is patch notes day

Today’s the Patch Notes Day!

Yay! Hooray!

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This thread has been eerily silent…

We’re getting a level rise correct?

Going to be real, I haven’t been playing a lot these past few months and have personally lost track of that. Probably?

I got back to playing this week, and I still datamine. So… yeah.

New update today?


Can we wait for it to come out

I would hope so.

Sorry, it’ll be next week. At least it should be a client and server update.

So I heard there was an update on the 6th Anniversary Server Merge info ?

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Not that I know. Will probably need an individual patch/update to do along with Server shutdown so … they’ll give ample warning

Where you heard that?

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It was said, but it was later told it was cancelled, and moved to 2025.

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I bet you guys can guess which characters have been hinted today on Facebook.


Bushroot and Santa Claus!


Wrong. Try again.

Bruno and the catapiller from bugs life

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