Next update, when? [Season 2]

Man, the pure comedy we could get with a well-written Hamsterviel Friendship Campaign (which I know is unfortunately unlikely given the recent drop in quality in FCs, but just imagine)…


I am…

How would you know I am not tired of you?

Jumba: Funny thing, 625 has all powers of 626, even has advanced language programming; unfortunately, he is lazy coward, heh, heh, heh, but makes great sandwiches.

Reuben: Ham or tuna?

Hämsterviel: Grr, I am irked!

And yet, he’s not too big to drive a racecar. Hmmm. What a paradox this is. :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

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It’s a shame indeed… And honestly, the only other hero that I think could be added from OG Lilo and Stitch has to be Nani. Preferably, I would make her a duo wit David, but you have all the other members of the Pelekai family plus Jumba and Pleakley that it feels weird to not have her yet lol

Guys, never talk about who will be datamined. It’s only Perblue’s choice on the datamine, and announcements. Right now, we’ll need everyone once more as an enemy for the next chapters, and for upcoming friendship campaigns. Even the Incredibles need to be in the Season 24 for sure. Only Ms. Incredible has given that refresh, and no one else.

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Kinda have to disagree. Perblue doesn’t decide when people datamine. However, we shouldn’t talk about any characters who may or may not have recently been datamined.


Well They’re under the roof of Disney so technically they do decide but only to get approval from Disney if they can go for it or not

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I hate Hamsterviel and I like Nani.

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The heroes you hate or like still won’t be datamined, unless PB decides on it.

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That’s literally what I mean

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Did I hear something about Server Merge news ?

@everyone new… feature… for… 6.5


can… you… solve… it…?

Any knows the answer of this riddle?

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