Next update, when? [Season 2]

That was unexpected.

Just using some more time for that next update


Well hopefully this means a big update.
Keep up the good work :+1:

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What’s so big about that?
Roadmap has nothing wrote for update 3.1.10 :thinking:





I can wait

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I hope it will soon like Monday maybe.

Patch notes are always on Fridays. So maybe next Friday

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I know. We have to be patient.


Swiper no swiping (the Patch notes)!!! :joy:

Also think it should be next friday, since I think 4 weeks have passed since last cap raise :eyes:


I know that I have to wait. It just feels like a long way.

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@Loutre I know you are probably under NDA and likely can’t answer much if at all, but I wonder if you at PerBlue have over extended yourselves as I have gotten to know you at PerBlue are working on 3 additional games in beta, and not just Disney Heroes and Portal Quest:

While I have noticed that PerBlue have seem to be trying to hire a fair amount lately, but like 3 new games in beta seems like a lot. Here is the roles you are looking for now it seems:

I think it is at least likely logical to assume that the slow down in new content isn’t just due to the pandemic, but that PerBlue started to work on 3 other games as well.
While I of course I don’t think all the employees are from Disney Heroes or Portal Quest, since likely a fair amount of them are from new hires. Though, it would be logical to assume that with 3 new games at once the reason why the content has been so slow lately is due to PerBlue working on 3 games in beta at once.

So I wonder, what do these 3 games in beta along mean for the future of Disney Heroes and how regularly Disney Heroes are going to get new big features?
This is the second week with not any kind of patch notes, not even bug fixes which is why I am worried as I am wondering if this is the first time we have had 2 weeks without no patch notes at all. (Counting bug fixes).

All in all, pretty worried for Disney Heroes future now and if the 2 week gaps are going to become more normal or not, as well as fewer big new content updates like Guild Level 6 and such.
So yeah, will be interesting to see how it goes for Disney Heroes now.


Really glad someone is asking the right quesitons!

Hehe, I just follow logic and pick up clues to what are going on, and question based on that :-).

Not sure how likely I am to get any kind of answer given that Loutre is under PerBlue’s NDA which I understand, but at least an acknowledgement of some sort so that I know Loutre have seen it would be nice.

No need to worry! It’s normal for game companies to get new games out and grow! Disney Heroes team is doing great!


Wait, what?

Logically there are reasons to worry though even if the Disney Heroes team are doing good which I am glad for, Disney Heros the game aren’t doing too good given that the in-game economy is so pricy that players rather leave than try to keep up.

The in-game economy are hurting itself more than getting long term revenue, if it don’t let players keep up with 15 characters at once without paying at max level and currently players can only mostly keep up with 4-5/6 or so characters most likely if they aren’t paying so only 1/5 of the characters they should have at max level/rank to have the required amount of characters to actually enjoy the game fully.

That’s the issue.

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