Next update, when? (Part 1)

Replace jumba?

Fear is definitely not coming this week

@Polaris maybe off-topic but I don´t think there is a suitable topic to ask in. Do you accept DMs?

Maybe soon

You can’t PM them :man_shrugging:


Just a reminder that talking about heroes that are not yet officially announced through patch notes is a spoiler and breaks the rules. I know there was a certain someone who appeared in a tutorial level by mistake, but please don’t talk about them or other heroes that have been datamined. Thanks!


But what about when we talked about Scrooge, Gonzo, Syndrome, Joy, Pooh, the Beast, Jafar, etc.? How come nothing was said then? :thinking:


Well… I guess it’s because, unlike those, this character was never supposed to appear

Why do you think I put Jafar in bold? He was leaked due to game error, which caused his memories to be released before him.

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I didn’t know about that…

Hmm. I made a whole thread about it. Heck, even Polaris confirmed it :thinking:

I only remember Stitch’s MH disk appeared in a campaign before Hatter was released. But it showed as “??”

Same happened to Scar (QH)’s disk, but I wouldn’t necessarily count it as a leak because of “??”

Well might’ve forgot about it :sweat_smile:
But ok I get it. That’s the same thing as K**** then

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It would overall be appreciated if spoilers aren’t mentioned here in the “Next update, when?” thread, and instead make a spoiler talk thread where spoilers can be talked about instead of them getting spoiled for people who don’t want to be spoiled :-).


i have an idea,maybe add some like cruella de vil from 101 dalmatians or maybe stinky pete from the first toy story,i think they would do well in disney heros


Welcome, what do you mean exactly?

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He’s from toy story 2 but I would love him to be in the game

Yes please!!

Stinky Pete was in the second movie

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