No gilde gifting on any server? And no free minne mouse?

No gilde gifting on any server? Why they said it in the patch notes 2.0 they should probably fix that it said it and it’s not there I play every server I’ve checked and it’s not there.and no free minne mouse .why? They need to fix this what is everyone that’s going to be playing this game is maybe going to delete it Theyneed to fix this

Just because there will be Guild Gift deals offered doesn’t mean there will always be one available. Per Polaris, when a Guild Gift deal is available, a gift box icon will appear in the bottom right corner of the main screen.

And there have already been two threads asking about Minnie; she’ll be part of the anniversary celebration starting later this week.


Minnie Mouse will be given when 2 years ll complete there are still 2 -3 days left.
HavE Patience…

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