No work today (obscuroween concept)

(Disclaimer:This concept is a subject of obscuroween where throughout october i, captain falltasic, make concepts based off some of the most minor and obscure characters…who can have skills and can fight creeps…with this in mind, please…enjoy this concept)

The walrus and the carpenter
1 star, mid-line,damage

Bio:this strange duo combines trickery(the walrus) and hard work (the carpenter) to get the job done

Quote:“how 'bout some pepper and salt and vinegar, eh?”

“Well, yes, yes, splendid idea, ha ha!”

Basic attack:carpenter whacks a enemy with his hammer meanwhile the walrus whacks a enemy with his cane.

Entrance:both come walking in with walrus spinning his cane around

Victory:they laugh together

Defeat:carpenter gets mad and chases the walrus off the battlefield


White:curious oysters

Walrus plays his flute and walks with a trail of oysters following him which damages all enemies per amount of oysters

(Can only summon 10 oysters)

Green:a few seconds

Carpenter quickly builds up a shield to protect the weakest ally for x amount

Blue:hungry, hungry walrus

When ko’ed the first time,walrus eats some oysters which heals them for x amount and gives them 100% attack speed for 20 seconds.

Purple:clever lie

“Curious oysters” now charms the enemy with the highest power for 19 seconds

Red:we’re cabbages and kings

Carpenters basic attack now decreases attack power, while walruses basic attack now stuns enemies for 15 seconds.


Walrus and carpenter/alice
Story time
More beefy shield

Walrus and carpenters shield now gains 25% more health.

Walrus and carpenter/stitch
Oyster feast
Hungry, hungry walrus now heals all allies

Hungry, hungry walrus now heals all allies for x amount

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What movie.

Alice in wonderland

You’re a few days too early, but it’s nice to see someone else plans to post themed concepts through October. :smile:

Hmm, seems interesting. I can’t wait to see what obscure characters you do.

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