Nostalgia Hero Concept (likely)

Nostalgia Hero Concept
Role: Support
Position: Back
Team: Yellow
Quote: “Yeah, those were the days…”
Description: Nostalgia is always in the back and helping you out whether it is on the battlefield or just in your head!


Entrance: Nostalgia comes through a door and adjusts her glasses’ position.
Basic Attack: Nostalgia takes a sip from her cup.
Defeat: Nostalgia is surprised. She drops her cup and her glasses onto the ground.
Victory: Nostalgia remembers the battle and starts feeling nostalgic.
White Skill: Nostalgia rests her head on her hands and has a speech bubble above her.
Green Skill: Nostalgia steps forward and swings her cup; sloshing tea into enemies.


Basic Attack: Grants X Energy to all allies.

White Skill - Feeling Nostalgic:
Passive: Instead of using her Basic Attack, Nostalgia will apply 1 stack of Longing to herself. This may happen once every 5.0 seconds.

Active: Nostalgia makes everyone feel nostalgic, healing for X health and applying Energize and Health Regen for Y health for 5.0 seconds. A shield is applied to allies in the front and middle that is 100% of that ally’s health. Nostalgia gains 2 stacks of Longing (Nostalgia’s equivalent to Happiness, Sorrow, Rage, etc.). This skill has a chance to fail on allies higher than level White Skill Level.
Green Skill - Spilled Tea: Nostalgia spills tea on the front most enemy, dealing X fantastic damage as well as blinding, stunning, and sapping the enemy for 8.0 seconds. The enemy’s Reality and Armor are decreased. The after affects of this Skill have a chance to fail on enemies higher than level Green Skill Level.
Blue Skill - Rose Tinted Glasses: Nostalgia makes the last wave seem better than it was in reality, and makes this next wave look like a breeze. She Energizes all allies and applies Precise to all allies for 10.0 seconds. All allies get Health Regen for 8.0 seconds. This skill can only activate in waves 2 and 3.
Purple Skill - Not Quite Yet: Nostalgia goes back in her door for 5.0-7.0 seconds and applies a stack of Longing to herself for each second she is behind her door. During this time, she is invincible and applies a shield with her health to all allies.
Red Skill - Those Were the Days: “Feeling Nostalgic” now applies a shield to allies in the back. “Rose Tinted Glasses” now heals immediately as well as applying the health regen. “Not Quite Yet” now always lasts 10 seconds. Nostalgia starts each wave with 5 stacks of Longing.

+X Max Health
+Y Attack Speed
+Z true damage on “Spilled Tea”


Mr. Incredible

Campaign Title: Back to the Glory Days

Disk: Back in Time
Effects: “Spilled Tea” now applies Shatter to enemies hit. Max HP, Attack Speed, and Reality are increased.


Campaign Title: Happy With the Past

Disk: Moving Forward
Effects: Nostalgia’s position changes with how much Longing she has. Her basic attack now also increases allies’ attack speed.

Feedback is appreciated!


Good concept!

What’s her victory entrance and defeat animation?

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It is in the animations section.

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Love this concept, really well done for such a small character! I’d be sure to always add a duration to disables, buffs/debuffs, shields, etc. Also, it’s not a hard rule, but Purple skills usually don’t have animations, rather they just add something to other skills.

Another possible Defeat animationezgif-3-2c537fcebb

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Haha. Funni.

Yeah, I just decided to switch that up. I’ll go back through and add durations.


It might be impossible for nostalgia to come to the game being she only appeared for a few scenes but the rest of the movie she’s absent plus little is known about her so she probably won’t come atleast until an inside out 3 comes out

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Not all characters in the game are major, but for the most part, I agree.


I didn’t want confusion with the purple skill, but I did consider thatz

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What about play dead from Judy hopps?

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Hopefully this is never

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That’s not your decision to make disney makes the movies and decides what new movie is made

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