Not a fan of the new Coliseum and Arena set up

@Polaris when will this be fixed as its ruining the game it’s the best feature but is unbearable with all this cheating. Can you please rectify it asap? It should not be low on your priorities.

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The new mode looks like not for f2p and barely p2p . If 1 toon is not allow and lvl cap week comes in every month ( as usual ) the gap is bigger and bigger.
I see a lot of players quit after lvl cap and no doubt for today also. I won’t last longer . Ppl are tired, remember it’s pandemic not holiday. After the pademic is a recession. So i’m out

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Well I thought this would be a big problem but lucky for me my server are not using this cheap tactic. Glad pb will sort it out though


To be fair there’s not a huge amount using it on s2 either, there’s the one guild I mentioned who have tons of people doing it (not a surprise honestly), but other than that it’s just a few people here and there. Most are participating properly and in good spirit.

Glad to hear a solution is in the works :slight_smile:


Another issue is not separating the weak ones in challengers from those at level 160+

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yeah I think it’s just luck who you get put up against. Though in the latter weeks of the season, the lower players who haven’t been able to advance yet should have a better chance, since the stronger once will have gone up.


I have two in my arena group on server 2 doing this, they will be the last ones I will hit, hopefully by then there’s a fix or they get booted from challengers, frankly I’d prefer the latter.


On server 16, 70 % make it.
1 moth testing on 2 servers. Why nobody saw this?
I needed 5 seconds to see this way…

And it gives no way too fix that…
The only way is disable bonus points.
But when you make this, all player have max point at the end of the week… everyone defeats everyone…

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The fix needs to also involve a power check of some sort. 5 white heroes is just as bad as 1.


they already use top team power for a bunch of stuff (CW scaling, guild & individual rankings) so it seems reasonable to assume that one’s arena team should be at least half of that power

Same could be applied to CW - at least half the power of your top 15

People could still try and build weak teams, but that’ll happen anyway and there’s probably not a better way that isn’t too restrictive


And a “weak” team that’s still over 500k is plenty strong enough to allow for tactics that would increase bonus points, so that might work out well enough to discourage the practice, at least.

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Yeah, at that point I’d surely rather post a full-power defence and hope that they lose to it a lot, than give away a bunch of free points with an easy team

I have 9 of 17 in my Arena doing it and 4 of 17 in my Coliseum. It is absolute ridiculousness!!!

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Platinum III here, I’m jealous of you guys. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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This is a big issue and something I hope PB will take seriously and find a fix asap. It has made the entire challengers season a joke. The winning person is going to have three single purple heroes on their defense. Wow congratulations on being the best of the worst. Others are doing it now just so they don’t get punished by having full teams in, so it is a snowball effect and the majority of people in my coliseum are now doing it.


And I understand why people would possible want to quit over this issue…this is currently the only way to get Tron chips and the new mod upgrades… These are potentially important things to set you apart from others playing the game. It is disheartening to see things like this when you have put so much time and effort into the game.


I don’t think quitting is a sensible course of action (unless people are fed up with the community), this one is mostly on the players lacking in honour or respect - yes PB could’ve assumed that to be the case and built in a deterrent, but now we know, and now they will. :man_shrugging:t2:


Why is it so long to patch the points system in Challenger Season??
Instead of giving a potential of 50 points per hero killed, simply change the formula for 250x(proportion of hero killed).
This will be the exact same outcome on points for a defense with 5 heroes, very easy to implement and will stop the people with 1 hero defense! I’m sure this can be hotfixed.

There needs to be a negative points scored for how many heroes are in your defence, set into the bonus score so that those posting just one hero are punished for it and also an extra bonus for setting defence team above a certain level so that bonus points are still possible to score instead of just 5 low level heroes as that will be just as bad as only 1 low hero

No, let’s not punish people for not keeping up with cap raises.

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