One hairy rhinoceros

Bio: Woolly Rhinoceros is one of the species of rhinos to have armor, but unique since it got fur to prevent bleeding problem.

Star: 2

Position: Front

Team: Blue

Role: Tank

Basic attack: See passive

White skill, Charge! (:fist:)

Passive: Instead of a basic attack, Woolly Rhinoceros eats the grass by grazing, gaining X health. Woolly Rhinoceros cannot move from its position until it’s white skill is ready.

Active: Woolly Rhinoceros catches a smell, then charge toward the enemies, dealing X damage.

Green skill, No bleed: Woolly Rhinoceros gains immunity to damage over time.

Blue skill, Snort: In each wave, before Woolly Rhinoceros grazes, it snort at the enemies. Scaring them for 6 seconds.

Scare has a chance to fail above level X.

Purple skill, Shaggy: Woolly Rhinoceros gains shield when reach to 0 health.

Red skill, Furry and Hairy: When Woolly Rhinoceros grazes, it also gains energy by X.

Energy are reduced above level X.

+X Reality
+X Evasive
+X from “Grazing”

Entrance: Simply walks into battle until blue skill.

Victory: Stomping happily

Defeat: Grunts


Woolly Rhinoceros and Olaf

Furry friends

Gains increased basic attack after an enemy is defeated

Allies: Tigger, Tron, Minnie

Woolly Rhinoceros and Tigger

The only one

Shielded the weakest allies with healing over time

Allies: Eeyore, Dr Facilier, Kristoff and Sven

  • Like modern rhinos, Woolly Rhinos are solitary, which means they live on their own.

  • It’s also known as “Coelodonta”.

  • Its name means “hollow tooth”.

  • When the rhino’s horn was first discoverd, it was thought that it was a claw that belongs to a giant bird.

  • Woolly Rhinos went extinct by 10,000 years ago where the last ice age ended. It was possible that it was hunted by humans or its because of the climate change.


Man, finding a concept sure is hard. Hope y’all like it

Those things exist? The only woolly creature I knew is Manny.

I think you mean the Woolly Mammoth. Yeah, these creatures do exist before the ice age ended

What Is He? Is He Gone?

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Woolly Rhinoceros went extinct around 10,000 years ago after the ice age ended. Read the trivia to find out more

This is a truly unlikely concept, lol think of if this is added. 10/10

Really? How?

someone make an Ice Age hero concept lol

Well, this is actually suppose to be a reality animal concept

i know, it was just a joke lol

Besides, you don’t that guy to charge at you, don’t you?


I didn’t sneeze

yeah, couldn’t understand what you just said.

Poor eyesight, great senses of smell

ugh, all i’m saying is the Ice Age thing was a joke.

I know. I apologize mate

thank you.

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