One Winged Angel (unlikely concept)


Quote: I will never just be a memory.
Front Line
Team: Blue

Sephiroth enters the battlefield, using fire and his long sword to damage his foes.


Entry: Sephiroth walks into the battle, showing off his long sword.
Victory: image
Defeat: Sephiroth makes a mad face and leaves.
Basic attack: A hit with his sword


White skill: Gigaflare
:sparkles: Fantastic Damage

Sephiroth creates a big fire ball called Gigaflare, it will damage the front most enemies and cause blinding to others.

Green Skill: Scintilla
:facepunch: normal damage

Sephiroth blocks a attack with a shield, and counters back with the shield exploding, causing X damage.

Blue Skill:

TRUE damage

Sephiroth hits an opponent nearby with his sword, causing a supernova to explode and deal XX to ALL enemies.

Purple: Bring Despair

On all green skills, Sephiroth can now block up to 3 projectiles at a single time and it will stay like that for 30 seconds.

Red: One Winged Angel

On all Blue and White skills, Sephiroth will one deal twice the damage a and now blind one enemy for the ENTIRE game.
Sephiroth will also gain XP from an enemy hit by Gigaflare.


Sephiroth/Min Min

Smashing Journey

Sephiroth’s basic attack is now done twice and deals more damage.

Next is a Gelatin remake and I hope you enjoyed!

You are missing trials color team

Fixed and done.

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Excellent! Try one “Trials Team” :slightly_smiling_face:

Variable needed and how long is the blind?

Why “all”? And, what if it isn’t a projectile?

This doesn’t make sense and why the entire game? It probably should be a wave/battle. And, stat boosters?

What does this do per star and a percentage would help?

You’re missing the other friendship.


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