Ortensia Likely Hero Concept

Ortensia Hero Concept

Requested by @Commander_oswald_1927


Description: Ortensia is ready to battle the Creeps with bouquets of flowers and sharp thorns!

Role - Control
Team - Yellow
Position - Mid
Quote - “…” (Like Oswald, this Concept is for Silent Film Ortensia)

Entrance - Ortensia walks onto the battlefield with a watering can, pouring water onto the ground.
Victory - Offensive throws flower petals into the air.
Defeat - Ortensia’s smile fades and the flower n her hat droops.

Basic Skill - Bouquet Barrage
Ortensia throws flower bouquets at the enemy.

White Skill - Sniff the Roses
Ortensia sniffs a bunch of roses in her hands, healing 60% of her Max HP. The aroma also is blown to the enemies, charming one for 10.0 seconds. After the charm time is up, the enemy’s accuracy is lowered.

Green Skill - Thorny Counter
Ortensia has a 40% chance of countering an attack by summoning a thorny vine that lashes out at the attacker.

Blue Skill - Floral Whirl
Ortensia spins around, throwing flowers all around her. These flowers heal 10% of nearby allies’ Max HP or lower an enemy’s attack speed by X

Purple Skill - Sharp Thorns
Thorny Counter now has a 40% chance of applying a Bleed Effect to the enemy it hits.

Red Skill - Lovely Flowers
Sniff the Roses now lowers X Attack Speed for all enemies for 10.0 seconds and the charmed enemy loses X Attack Damage as well as the lowered accuracy. Sniff the Roses also lowers damage that Ortensia’s allies receive.

Friendship #1 - Ortensia/Minnie Mouse
Campaign Name: Fast Friends
Campaign Name: Same but Different
Summary: Ortensia and Minnie Mouse learn that they not very different.
Allies: Mickey Mouse, Oswald, Goofy
Stat Boosts: +X Max HP, +Y Armor, +Z Skill Power
Star Effect: Sniff the roses now gives Ortensia 40% of her energy, increases her speed by X, and shields her for 10.0 seconds.

Friendship #2 - Ortensia/Luz Nodceda
Disk Name: Flower Power
Campaign Name: Giant Garden
Summary: Luz helps Ortensia grow a garden of rare plants quickly using Plant Glyphs, but the spell causes the plants to grow too much.
Allies: Eda Clawthorne, WALL-E, Rapunzel
Stat Boosts: +X Basic Attack, +Z Attack Speed
Star Effect: Thorny Counter now has a 60% chance to counter, has a 40% chance to stun the enemy, and saps X of the victim’s energy.

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I think it would be better if luzs friendship with ortensia was changed to oswald like Minnies is with mickey just saying

I couldn’t come up with a Luz/Oswald (or Ortensia and Oswald) friendship that makes sense.

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