Overpowered heros

Moana is way overpowered, have a word people please


U ever played against a maxed out Sully? :rofl:

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There is already whole thread about it.

She is not overpowered.

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I can only bet a blue Moana with a purple. Way to over powering. Even with a full team of blue against only her I can’t win I have to have a purple which means over powering.

or under-skilled. (20 characters)

Any hero that could charm froze or curse can easy stop her. Dont really see moana as overpowered… people should really complain less and learn team composition more…

I’ve seen others complain that Moana is OP, but I honestly don’t understand why. I’ve faced her countless times now, and never really even noticed her. She’s just a speed bump in my mind, as I never make note of her when composing my team.

I’m not trying to say “you’re wrong”, or that “I’m awesome” (I’m so not), but I legit don’t get it: WHAT makes her OP?

Moana is super strong to be sure possibly the best normal dps in the game imo and the best dueler in the game.

High basic damage along with a self shield and 200% atk spd buff, heal on white skill usage, energt gain on her heal and a dive when she gets below 50% makes her a very strong self sustaining damage hero. That being said she is not overpowered. She is countered by most any form of control. Freeze, Charm, Stun, Curse especially.

This is a game of composition and learning a character’s strengths and weaknesses to bolster and counter. If one simply says “X is overpowered” then that shows a distinct lack of motivation to learn the game and it’s mechanics. If you are simply looking to brute force the game be prepared for frustration and defeat when that fails to push you further.

If you have problems with a character regardless of if you own them or not you are able to look at a character’s kit in game. This will allow you to see what they have a what you can use to counter. Stat lines are only half the battle and kit is more important in the long run.

Tl;dr if you think a character is OP analyze them to figure out how to counteract them.


Aladdin is great for putting the hurt on her before she can get too out of control.

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I find using Rex and his friendship disk in combo with heroes that have control abilities (WALL-E, Frozone, Tia Dalma, Ralph, etc.) helps contain Moana before she can reach her full potential. The damage boost against shielded enemies has helped me numerous times.

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