Patch Notes 4.1.11

I mean… sorcerers arena has him as a separate character so I guess so

and if you count stabbington brothers there are 6 in Tangled

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I’ll play again when they add Phineas and Ferb characters. If it ever happens.


Mother Gothel is so interesting in the movie but she is so boring in this game.

And just like others with sidekick and their white skill is a big part of her design, she may not be that good. This possibility is sooo high… I mean, look at Sarah, the horned king and Bunsen :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

Bunsen is better than the rest and he is still not good. I’d have known, I have him :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

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Yunno but you can think about it this way as a positive.

Phillip and Aurora are both incredible with their white skill.

Maybe Gothel will be too.

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Here I am glad to see mother Gothel today and Today is my birthday which is even better


Mother Gothel is a carbon copy of the Horned King.

The Horned King is the worst hero released since Sarah, who herself was the worst hero released since probably the game’s launch.


Well now Ralph would like a word with you :wink:

At Yellow ranks, Ralph can actually do his intended job: Be a big, fat distraction.

The Horned King (and soon, Mother Gothel) completely and utterly fails at his one and only job: Dealing damage.


Ralph has maxed Tenacity and high Normal Crit - so at least his Basic Attacks do some damage (also Tanks are not meant to deal much damage).

Mother Gothel on the other hand - none of the disks lets her summon a “Brother” immediately, alone does no damage and thanks to a certain website we also know she has near no Evasion…

A hero relying on a white skill while having no Tenacity or Evasion or a dodge move is a plain suicide.


Solo hay aumento de nivel… Eso es lo mas importante!!!.. que aburrido… el juego está recontra estancado …
Ay que ponerse a pensar si hay que meter dinero… en esto… a PB le duele escuchar a los jugadores que se quejan de lo malisimo que se está volviendo este juego…:unamused::unamused::unamused::unamused:

This meme is dead, Ralph isn’t the worst hero for many months now.

He at least has green and blue skills which are good, and at least other sources of summoning than white (red skill).
Gothel has literally nothing going around her, she is just another Sarah.

happy b-day

Geez Musketeer on your tier list you literally say that the hero may be made BETTER or worse with the “red arrow” symbol.

So technically you don’t know that she is just “another Sarah”

Plus i’m gonna promote her up to red and see how that works out.

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Do you see Gothel here?
Others explained why she will be bad.

Do I see Gothel where?

Everyone keeps comparing Gothel to Control characters that are mid and Front.
Nobody has mentioned that she is a Damage Back line… maybe she will be unstoppable

Happy birthday :tada:

With no Evasion, no Tenacity, and no spawns at the start of battle? And the spawns themselves being laughably terrible, to boot? Absolutely not.

Mother Gothel is a 100% guaranteed trash fire, and any resource you pour into her will be a preventable waste.

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