Patch Notes 4.1.11

Disney Heroes: Battle Mode Update 4.1.11

Welcome to the Disney Heroes: Battle Mode 4.1.11 Update! This release features Mother Gothel from Disney’s Tangled, plus a number of improvements and bug fixes.


  • New! Mother Gothel from Disney’s Tangled!
  • Bug fixes and game improvements!

Mother Gothel

Mother Gothel is a back-line “Damage” character on the Yellow team. Mother Gothel will be available in the Prize Wall starting July 21.


Stabbington Summon

Passive: Instead of Basic Attacking, Mother Gothel preens herself while looking in a mirror to gain bonus Energy.

Active: Mother Gothel summons one of two Stabbington Brothers near the closest enemy to aid her in combat. Each Brother enters combat with specific amounts of Max HP, Armor, Reality, and Basic Damage. If both Stabbington Brothers are on the battlefield, Mother Gothel will instead Cleanse them and herself. This will also Heal her and the Brothers for a percent of their own Max HP.

Blah, Blah, Blah

Mother Gothel talks down to the enemy with the most Energy, stealing Energy from them and applying stacks of Fatigue.

I Know Best

Mother Gothel motivates the Stabbington Brothers by showing them the crown. This grants them Movement and Attack Speed as well as Basic Damage for a duration.

I’m The Bad Guy

The Stabbington Brothers now deal Normal Damage to all nearby enemies when they land on the battlefield after being summoned with “Stabbington Summon”. Mother Gothel’s Basic Attacks also Heal the Brothers and herself. Each character is Healed for a percent of their own Max HP.

A Big Surprise

The Stabbington Brothers’ Basic Attacks now deal bonus Fantastic Damage. Additionally, some Basic Attacks performed by the Brothers steal Buffs from each of their targets, favoring the ones most recently applied. These Buffs are then applied to the Brother that stole them for a duration. While buffed by “I Know Best”, the Stabbington Brothers’ Basic Attacks steal Energy from their targets and give it to Mother Gothel.

Battle Badge

  • Charge Condition: Stacks of Fatigue applied to enemies
  • Stat Buff: +Skill Power
  • Lineup Buff: +Max HP per Damage Ally
  • Effect Buff: Team Heal over Time


  • Ursula
  • Disgust

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with the duration of Daisy Duck’s “Me, Me, Me” Skill
  • Fixed a bug where using the “Collect All” button in the Mailbox did not display the correct number of Guild Crates awarded

New Hero Locations and Content Adjustments

New Heroes

  • Mother Gothel will be available in the Prize Wall starting July 21

Existing Heroes

  • Duff Killigan will be an event exclusive hero
  • Pacha will be available in the VIP Crate
  • Snow White will only be available in Diamond Crates

Servers 1-18 Update

  • Team Level Cap increased to 320
  • Heroes can now be promoted to Yellow +17 rank
  • Chapter 58: “Portal Quest” is now available
    • Elite Campaign features: The Mad Hatter, Ducky & Bunny, Namaari, Megara, Slinky Dog, and Timon & Pumbaa

Servers 21-25 Update

  • Team Level Cap increased to 265
  • Heroes can now be promoted to Yellow +6 rank
  • Chapter 47: “Dune And Gloom” is now available
    • Elite Campaign features: Kevin Flynn, Hades, Namaari, Mulan, Swedish Chef, and Ian Lightfoot

This is a full app and server update that is currently planned for Tuesday, July 19, 2022.


Eh, she is just another Sarah. and prize wall, oh.
And also it means we can’t get Cassandra and Varian, how great… :roll_eyes:

Lack of silence… is just here weird.

for a week, then battle pass, what’s the point?

Best part of the update.


I see what you did there. Very clever.

images (1) (9)


Unless you call a cap raise this… where exactly?


Uh oh. An abusive Disney Villain is coming out. Mother Gothel, and she knows best.

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Whaaaaat!?!?! Finallyyy!! I hope she’s good!! I will have to add her to my Tangled team :smiley:

Eh, no it doesn’t. I really hope we get them soon too!


Hint: She’s not.


It looks like she knows best to join the battle.
It’s been quite awhile since we had a Tangled character. I wouldn’t be surprised if we had another one like Pascal and possibly a collection for them as well.:wink:
I’m all cool with the rest, including leveling up to 265.
Exciting announcement overall, and quick question: Since we already had an update a few days ago, does it require to update it on App Store again? I noticed it also said server on it as well, but I’m just curious.
That’s all to say!:+1:


No way! I Can’t believe that this is real!


I knew it was gonna be Mother Gothel

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I hope we get a Tangled collection

This month has been about the yellow team especially Atlantis the lost empire

Now I’m hopping soon that we see more Tangled characters if we can along with other Disney and Pixar characters as well as Disney Channel animated characters in the future from other movies, franchise and shows that aren’t in the game


Finally she is coming!


I mean… :man_shrugging:
PB surely knows someone else knows, hence why hint surprises happen.


I feel like Snow White subs someone who is going to be in… (obviously Diamond but also) Gold Crates for now, right?

EDIT: Nevermind - it´s Namaari, she just should have been mentioned there instead of being included in the Elite Campaign list…

Pretty interesting how 5 of the 6 heroes mentioned here are super old ones. Not that I bicker, but I´d rather like the first few Elite Campaign chapters redone to have 19 spots instead of 7. (But I mentioned that to support before, design team could really try that).


Yes! My beloved Mama is FINALLY in the game!

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I would have gone with a control role with a trap based moveset personally. Lean into the kidnapping thing.


So excited for Mother Gothel!!! :tada::tada::tada:
Excited to see some heroes getting extra spots in elite and Namaari in elite


Oh my god I’m so happy I’ve been waiting for her for ages ! I can’t wait to see her animations hehe

Love her design but she looks almost too nice on it :sweat_smile: And I would have loved a friendship between her and the Evil Queen

Her red skill icon is an epic fail tho… They didn’t get her nose right :joy:

Now I only need Prince Hans and I can die in peace


My new team:

Meg, Aurora, Snow White, Rapunzel, Mother Gothel.

So long Ariel… and Elsa


I didn’t get why we can’t have Cassandra :thinking:

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