Patch Notes 4.2

I suppose there will be no more changes done to incoming Prize Walls :pensive:

Could the possibility of returning the stamina consumables to Hero Quests be at least discussed? I mean, 2000-ish are still pretty low, but if raising PW heroes to Y0 was at least partially self-sustainable… would be good.

Or should we try and make it a popular demand as with Red Skill Chips in Elite? :thinking:


Finally!!! We got a P&F rep! Now we need phineas, ferb, and doof.


I literally thought Perry was gonna be on the same team with Kim but looks like he’s gonna be on the same team with Bolt


It’s good to see Perry joining the crew, though I admit the main thing that makes me happy about his addition is that it makes Heinz Doofenshmirtz a lot more likely.

Is this the same event exclusive crate that Pacha never showed up in, and Duff has yet to show up in?


Heroes labeled “event exclusive” means they don’t show up in the game under normal means, they’re exclusive to some kind of a event, but that event could be anything from Token Crates to Contests.


I think though that Phillip should appear in the crate once labeled “Slinky Crate” cause he stayed there the longest. But it has not appeared for a loooooooooooooooooooong time.

It used to be a main source of cosmetic crates about a year ago.

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ok Agent P finally here. tell me about Phineas & Ferb series. :star_struck:

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Yes, we know as you comment this often. If you are also the person who spams our support tickets please stop as we are aware that you want these Heroes.

This is also a warning to no long spam this or you will be silenced.


So at least this confirm us this isn’t a troll that don’t play the game but demands those heroes.


This isn’t as easy as just ask for it. Disney needs to approve a hero after passing a very long and careful series of process. Doesn’t matter how much you ask if the owner of the rights of those characters also don’t want to give them to this game.

Do you remember how long it was the hell development of Kim Possible? I think you don’t.


Not gonna look a gift horse in the mouth since Agent P is like my most wanted character, but having his Red Skill just be his name is a bit of a missed opportunity. A better name would be “Mammal of Action” as a shortened version of the iconic description from Agent P’s Theme: “He’s a semiaquatic, egg-laying, mammal of action”.


We’ll most of us wanted to see Phineas and Ferb characters come in the game and knock it off :man_facepalming:t5::man_facepalming:t5::man_facepalming:t5::man_facepalming:t5::man_facepalming:t5:


Honestly at this rate, just ignore them, they do this all the time.


exactly, idk why people always give these trolls/young children like them and IZ the time of day to reply to them lol

if it doesn’t work the first few times, it won’t work the 800th time


Unless they get blocked permanently since we can’t stand it


Good to see a new franchise join the team!!

Guess this means no patch notes next week?

Let’s hope this is the last time this bug need fixing!!

No fixes for the promo code notification still not working as intended after how long?

No fix for the scrolling bug in daily quests that has been there for about 8 weeks now?

Reserving judgement until it is live

Very little else to look forward to to be honest, with one less hero being worked on the last 4 weeks I hoped there would be something … else? more?


Relax time!
But just for 2 weeks, because there will be cap rise! :business_suit_levitating:


So if there are no support or Control enemies he just won’t have a purple skill? That’s really bad.

Yeah… any word on that @Nugget @Loutre?
How his purple skill works?

Ah, Perry the Platypus, what an unexpected surprise! And by unexpected, I mean…actually unexpected.

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