Pb's early April fools

I know we should be thankful for having a way now to constantly spend influence, but I really laughed hard when I saw that.

700k influence is around 10k stamina potions, and you only get one crate, this should be at 100k and give 5 crates.

And yeah I know I’m complaining about something we get free now compared to before, but this really just feels like a bad joke for the work it takes to earn all this influence.


I knew it would be not so much knowing pb but this is totally absurd after all we waited for so long to get new perks. It literally is a joke.


Considering the Guild Crate drops. OOOOOOOOF. Badge Booster should also have no cooldown. @Polaris And the Guild Crate influence price needs to go way down.


It’s pretty much a way for guilds to dump influence that wasn’t being used anyway without getting anything of genuine value in return. :man_shrugging: My guess is that’s exactly PerBlue’s intention.

EDIT: And if a guild carelessly spends their influence on the Guild Crates when the other consumables are close to being purchasable and are thus forced to delay buying the perks that are (modestly) useful, so much the better.


And they may as well keep wasting the influence on name changes. A single guild crate for that much influence is definitely less interesting.

10k stamina divided by 50 people is 200 stamina each, for a guild crate for free.

Seems fine to me.

Yep, seems like it.

In no world at all could anybody consider 700,000 influence & 250 guild coins to be of similar value.


I think the main thing here is that the Guild Crate generally gives White, Green and Blue badges most often, many of them we who are high leveled don’t necessarily need beside maybe a few of them.

If having it is be an Ultra Guild Crate that only gives Purple, Orange and Red badges and bits, or only otherwise give Blue badges we maybe need like Wicked Beats then it is an another thing overall. This would maybe be a price justifiable for a 1 if not 3x/5x guild crate for the price of 700 000 influence.

For how the Guild Crate currently with mainly giving White, Green and Blue, if not also Purple sometimes is it shouldn’t cost more than 100 000 Influence.
Overall since the price of 1 Guild Crate in the Guild Crate shop cost 250 guild coins, I think perk should probably cost 25 000/50 000 Influence tops given the content we usually get in Guild Crates.

So yeah, if the price or the content of the guild crate for the guild crate perk could be adjusted it would be appreciated.


Explain the logic behind BB Crate then, which gives 20-35k stamina worth to everyone for 150k Influence. Thank you very much. :slight_smile:

Guild Crate should cost 20k influence at most.

@Moist im sorry I wrote it wrong In my post, you don’t Need 10,000 raw stamina, you need 10,000 bottles :sweat_smile:

Premium or without premium bottles

11,667 if you have the no premium stamina bottles.
10.606 if you have premium stamina bottles.

Then it’s 200 stamina pots per player

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Hey it’s not all bad, at least we can now Get More Gold more than 90 times :slightly_smiling_face:


@DarkwingCoco ah I didn’t realise you meant bottles rather than stamina, sorry.

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They could just add more levels to the perks we already have, I mean for example guild war perks, they are capped at level 16. They give around 50-200 base stats to the heroes (Hp, skill power, basic damage), with R16 now, some heroes have millions or almost one million for the most stats. So this perk could easily be increased to level 100 or more, I would even think about no limit, so not everyone has the exact same perks and may get better results in guild war (I know the car perks don’t have a impact at all at put current level lol).


We bought ours for lolz

A delightful bonus for my 12,000 stamina!!


And this is why we need a record of who’s buying perks (as well as making changes to guild settings).


This is wonderful spend influence.


Ouch :-(.

While not the worst you could have gotten, yeah definitely not that good value.

Some value and/or price adjustment is definitely needed for the Guild Crate Perk.

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