Penny, Bernard, and Bianca (Rescuers) - Likely Character Concept

Hello there! I haven’t made a character concept in a long time, and I decided to give some love to one of my favorite Disney movies that I really hope gets characters added to the game soon, and that is The Rescuers. The movie has been in my mind a lot lately after watching KeytheLich’s excellent video discussing and giving more appreciation to the movie, and with it containing charming protagonists in Bernard and Bianca, and two of my favorite Disney characters in general that I think are criminally underrated with Penny and Medusa (the former being easily my favorite kid character in the Disney canon and the latter being among one of my Disney villains), I think it’d be nice to give these characters some time to shine.

Unlike movies like Great Mouse Detective and Bug’s Life, where the only interesting characters are mice/insect-sized, and therefore their increase in size is understandable, I definitely don’t want Bernard and Bianca to have the same treatment and eliminate the chances of Penny or Medusa getting added due to the big size difference between the characters. Therefore, I think an excellent solution to have the best of both worlds is to have Bernard and Bianca fight alongside and support Penny, giving the movie’s four main characters all potential to be here (I do plan on doing a concept for Medusa soon as well).

“Why’d you have to go and spoil everything?”

This trio of unlikely combatants utilize teamwork and their resourcefulness to overcome foes who underestimate them.

Stars: 1

Role: Control

Position: Frontline

Team: Red

Basic Attack: Bernard and Bianca (who hang out in Penny’s pocket) throw small jewels, doing X amount of normal damage.

Entrance: Penny, holding her teddy bear, walks into her position, putting her teddy bear away once in place. Bernard and Bianca fly overhead on Orville and jump off of him with an umbrella, putting it away once they land in Penny’s pocket.

Victory: Penny pulls out her teddy bear and hugs it, while Bernard and Bianca hop up and down.

Defeat: Penny looks to the ground and sheds a tear, and Bernard and Bianca look defeated.

White Skill: Skull Pryer

Penny pulls out a pirate sword and slashes the opponents with it, dealing X amount of normal damage, applying Pierce to them for 10 seconds, and applying a stack of Weakness.

The stack of Weakness being applied has a chance to fail on enemies above Y level.

Green Skill: Dragonfly Assault

Bernard and Bianca signal for Evinrude to attack, and the dragonfly charges into the battlefield to damage opponents with a series of punches. Each punch Evinrude takes does X amount of normal damage, and he will do 50% more damage to blinded enemies. Evinrude stays out for 10 seconds.

Evinrude doing 50% more damage to blinded enemies has a chance to fail on enemies above Y level.

Blue Skill: Helpful Lantern

Penny pulls out a lantern, blinding all enemies for 15 seconds, and throws it, dealing X amount of normal damage to those hit.

Purple Skill: Keep the Faith

For 10 seconds after using Skull Pryer, Penny, Bernard, and Bianca can blind enemies with their basic attack, and will do 50% more damage to blinded enemies hurt by their basic attack, Skull Pryer, or Helpful Lantern in this time period.

The increased damage to blinded enemies has a chance to fail on enemies above Y level.

Red Skill: Be Brave, Little One

When using Skull Pryer, Penny can remove all buffs from those she damages with the attack, and the trio becomes invincible for 5 seconds after Skull Pryer is finished.

The buff removal has a chance to fail on enemies above Y level.

+A Basic Damage

+B Damage from Helpful Lantern

+C Max HP


Penny/Bernard/Bianca and Flik

Crocodile Catastrophe: Soon after arriving in the city, Penny and the mice meet and befriend another fellow underdog, Flik. However, Flik and his friends have been in a bit of a predicament lately, as Medusa’s two pet crocodiles, Brutus and Nero, have recently arrived in the city with their master, and are terrorizing and causing trouble for the bugs. As the trio know the crocodiles are tough, but counter-able opponents, they team up with Flik to set up a trap for them, creating a fake giant mouse using their resources, using Bianca’s perfume to attract the crocodiles to the mouse, and throwing a cage over them.

Allies: Chip and Dale, 22, Pacha

Extras for Evinrude:


+X Armor

+Y Reality

+Z Skill Power


Evinrude removes Reflect from all enemies he damages, and damaged enemies must wait 3 seconds (going up by 3 seconds for each star to a maximum of 15 seconds) before they can gain Reflect again.

Penny/Bernard/Bianca and Little John

Cat-Napper: While she may be adopted now, Penny will always remember what it was like being an orphan, and she and the mice try to support the orphaned kids who live in the city with food and toys that they find. Unfortunately, the city’s orphanage has become the newest target for money for the Sheriff of Nottingham, who continually steals money from the orphanage, as well as from the orphans themselves, in his never-ending quest to give more money to Prince John. Little John, who runs into Penny and the mice bringing resources to the orphanage, befriends the trio once he learns that the Sheriff is behind this, and helps assist them in their actions. Unfortunately, the Sheriff is aware of what they’re doing, and devises a scheme to kidnap Penny’s elderly cat friend, Rufus, to lure the kid into his clutches, and most importantly, trap Little John as well.

Allies: Robin Hood, Hamm, King Triton

Tougher Tools:


+X Basic Damage

+Y Skill Power

+Z damage for Helpful Lantern


Helpful Lantern now does true damage, and Penny heals for 10% of her HP (going up by 10% for each star to a maximum of 50%) after she uses Skull Pryer.

Hopefully you enjoyed reading this, and feel free to discuss anything about this concept that you want to say. Like I said earlier, I do intend to make a concept for Medusa soon, so it should hopefully be up within the next week.

Nice Concept! :+1:t2:

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