Perma Chat bans

Something I have been thinking about for a while is giving people another chance to participate in VIP, global chat…
A lot of players have been silenced for a long time, most regret saying whatever they said to get them perma silenced…
Most of the things that were said , are actually questionable to even get a warning, or a ban in the first place…
Most people don’t screenshot the entire conversation either, there are always two sides to a story…
I would like to propose to the developers to lift the perma chat players ban, when we merge with S21…
Start the slate clean again…:white_check_mark:


Says the person named for a trickster God, who couldn’t possibly just want to see the chaos when all the haters get thrown back in the pool at once. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Copying what I said on the Discord server:

If a person has been permabanned for repeated use of words or spamming, and they contact PerBlue after a year or so asking for another chance, sure, I can see that.

If a person has been permabanned for harassing other players, hate speech, or something along those lines, then I’m less inclined to give them a second chance. Actions have consequences; a Disney mobile game is actually a really low-stakes area in which to learn that lesson.


Wilde :joy::joy::joy:
There’s a lot of players who can’t show off their accolades from winning contests,and wars…
I mean…?
We all know that if they really wanted to chat on vip all they have to do is start a new account…
So, why not just wipe the slate clean for 2024…?
If they mess up again, then guess what…?
Back to perma chat banned…:white_check_mark:

I agree with you 100% Jody.

I agree some people permanently chat silenced for stupid reasons like making humorous names, and do wish pb would reconsider with some of them as I know a few that were for that reason. However like jody said, people that harassed others, death threats, etc shouldn’t be given another chance.

But at end of the day it’s like any other Judge Dredd incident… we may interrupt or see the rules one way, but end of day they the judge, jury and executioner.

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