Plants vs zombies heroes. Green shadow concept (UNLIKELY)

peashooting noises
Stars :star:
The green shadow arrives in the city. Her arsenal of peas and beans ready

Before the concept: New buff! Beaned. Beaned heroes are temporarily immobolized for a few seconds before creating an obnoxious smelly fart cloud. Deal 5% max health as true damage multiplied by the seconds those beaned enemies had. When another stack of beaned is applied to an enemy, it can trigger seperate.y, allowing for possibly constant damage.

Backline damage
Blue team.

Entrance: the green shadow jumps from offscreen down with a heroic pose.
Victory: The green shadow jumps and claps her leaves, her mouth making small smile.
Defeat:The green shadow dissappears with a smoke bomb.
Basic attack: The green shadow shoots a Pea.


:white_circle: White skill: Precision shot.


The green shadow shoots a very large pea at enemies. Dealing X normal damage to the nearest enemy. Decreasing their armor or reality by 50% for 10 seconds, whichever is higher in total average.

The reality decrease has a chance to fail against enemies above level X.

:green_circle: Green Skill: Sow much magic beans


The green shadow loads up Some magic beans. Before applying them to surrounding damage role ally heroes. Allowing their next basic attacks to have a 20% chance to inflict the BEANED! Status effect to enemies for a half a second. Also their basic attacks will deal X fantastic damage. This boost will last for 6 seconds.

The bean boost has a chance to fail against allies above level x

:large_blue_circle: Blue skill. Super block.


The green shadow is immune to true damage.

Occasionally The green shadow will block an attack, when she blocks an attack this way, she gains +X basic attack and +X fantastic crit for 8 seconds. If she blocks a basic attack this way, she also gains 500 energy.

:purple_circle: Purple Skill: Bean counter.


Whenever an Enemy loses an instance of the Beaned! Status effect. They have a 35% chance to gain 4 instances of the beaned status effect for half a second.

This extra Beaned debuff has a chance to fail against enemies above level X.

:red_circle: Red skill Mega growth.


Precision shot also deals 50% of the damage dealt to enemies nearby the primary enemy damage. Precision shot also inflicts enemies hit with 5 instances of the Beaned! Debuff for half a second.

Sow Much magic beans also heals All ally heroes by X hp.

The green shadow gains 5% additional basic damage and +10% attack speed per instance of the Beaned! Debuff among all heroes.


+X max hp
+80% base attack speed.
+X skill power
+X reality.


Negaduck friendship,

Disk: A Burger among us. The green Shadow has an 33% chance to inflict an instance of the Beaned! Debuff for 2 second on all enemies when she uses Super Block.

Ally heroes: Darkwing duck, Sweetums, Cinderella.

Friendship with Honey lemon.

Disk: treet or trick or treet again! The green Shadow starts teach wave with a shield with X hp that lasts until depleted. While this shield is up: The green shadow has X additional tenacity, Reality, and armor.

Ally heroes: Hiro, Dante, Kevin Flynn


Worked the past 2 days polishing this. Please like it.! 🥹

Thanks for liking this @Lumega Ps. You are also great at making those Thomas concepts

Please improve your concepts, please read The Guide

But I like it either way

It is still good, I am just helping

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Thank you finally commenting one of my concept.

I feel very good.

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