Pluto appreciation

Hello this is a Pluto appreciation thread. I made this because Pluto has no application thread. So lets appreciate him! :grinning:


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Don’t you think this is a bit risky with you know who roaming around

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Pluto is awesome, wether fighting a cat or chipmunks he is awesome

I am not important, so he/she will not spam here.

Only time will tell

Nor am I, but he did it to me to

You been here since 2018. I only been here since 2020

I remmber when my teacher asked what is pluto
He’s a dog i said
Teacher no its a planet
Scientist not a planet
Me I TOLD YOU MISS ######(1) hes a dog!

(1) the teacher who’s identity is not s public record

A dwarf planet is still a planet.


Where’s the application?

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Oops sorry, thanks for pointing that out. I must of misspelled the word.

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