Polandball concept!

Here’s my second concept.


Quote: Kurwa!
Team: Red

Victory: Poland enjoys some beer
Defeat: Poland gets sad and leaves
Basic attack: Poland throws mini bombs


Poland can into space!
Fantastic Damage
Polandball launches a rocket, dealing XX damage to enemies that are in the explosion, also stunning them and knocking them back.

Green: CountryBall Rush!
Poland calls his countryball friends and all of them hit an enemy, dealing damage and basing a stack of “Polska” Polska adds more XP and HP to Poland.

Passive: Poland rolls over and dodges a melee attack, also healing a weak ally.

Blue: Poland Heal
Poland eats some space food, healing him and weak allys. Also it grants Poland a shield and he is invincible for 10 seconds.

Purple: Space!

All Blue skills heal him twice as much and gives a random ally a stack of “Kurwa”

Red: Kurwa!

All basic attacks are twice the damage and all green skills one countryball will steal HP from a strong enemy, healing Poland the amount of HP that countryball got.


Poland and Goliath
Cool Castle
Poland and Goliath are trying to protect the castle, but enemies are trying to destroy it!
All White skills for Goliath all take less damage from projectiles, and all of Poland’s White skills deal three times the damage.

Poland and Ducky and Bunny
Plush Pros
Ducky and Bunny and Poland are having a game day at an arcade, but creeps want to ruin the arcade!
All Green skills for both characters deal more damage and stun enemies.

Hope I upgraded!
If you like it that means a lot for me.


Here are some Countryball Plushes!


First concept!

I bet this is better than that

I like this one! 8/10.

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I improved a lot, didn’t I?

Yeah, I see you have improved a lot. Keep up the good work!

:smiley: I knew more about Polandball than Perry. I have a Poland plush at my home! I will show you!

You showed me earlier, didn’t you?

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That was Germany, I have a Poland one too.

Oh, i’m so sorry. My stubborn brain can’t even locate Russia on the U.S. map.

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Oh, Well I am really good at telling which flags are which

I’m very good at geography

I’ve been smart since 6

The dang American CountryBall is my favorite lol

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He does look cool

I have him too

Even though Russia is the largest country in the world, I am that stupid.

The countryballs are only 12$!!!

That’s cool.

:wink: yeah it is!

I have a new name

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