I would like to see Winnie the pooh or Hercules and M-O from WALL-E
Hercules clearly is going to be in the game if Hades is there but he can be a TANK hero and his move sets lets see his super could be like a super punch and his other moves cold be where he flies across the screen on pegases and another can be he blinds his enemy with his glow and his last can be where he gains more strength
Pooh can be a SUPPORT hero cause I believe these only 3 healers but he can have his honey heal people and one other can be where he summons bees to fly across the screen and Another can be where he stuns enimes with a balloon when it pops and the other can be when he gives his allies a attack boost
M-O From Wall-E to cause he was one of my favorite characters in Wall-E and I feel like he gets forgotten so I would like to see him in this game so I think he can be a CONTROL hero or a SUPPORT hero His Super could be ever he goes across the screen cleaning and it hits his enemies and his other atack can be a stun and he could heal his allies and his final attack can be a speed boost